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"As you all are aware, Mr. Nagle has woken from his coma. As I've told you before, we weren't able to determine the extent of his brain injury until he woke up. Now that he's awake and lucid, I'm very sorry to inform you that he has amnesia."

This was met with silence. David's family were then taken by another doctor to go see him while all his friends had to stay in the waiting room. Everyone who had been in the accident was there, except of course Craig, who was the only one who died. Before Dr. Elizar could leave, Evan stopped her.

"Sorry to ask, but could you tell us how bad it is?"

She seemed hesitant. But, David had been in a coma for 8 months. His friends have all, always been there for him even after they got out themselves. She had become close with them as they always bothered her about him and were always visiting. She had a soft spot for them.

"Well. I honestly can't say. It's hard to predict how long it will last. Best case scenario it clears in a few more hours, worst case it could take years for him to regain all his memories or even any of them. When he first woke up and we removed his tube, he didn't even know his own name. After a few hours he started asking for his family by name, so I think he'll heal quickly."

Before she could leave again, Lui stopped her.

"I-I was in there when he woke up. Did he ask about me? Or any of us?"

She hesitated. He hadn't. But she had asked him if he remembered the accident or any of the people he was with during the accident. He had said no.

"I'm sorry boys. He told me the last memories he had, were of his high school days. He doesn't remember the accident or any of you. Not yet at least. But give him time. He's a strong boy, and he'll pull through. Besides, if he cares about you all as much as you have cared about him these past months, he will remember."

With that she walked away, leaving the boys to their own thoughts.


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