1.Tummy Rubs (Saiouma)

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"kichi, dinners ready--" shuichi called out to his pet neko, looking down at his feet where the bowl assumably was.

directing his head towards the sound of munching, his neko pet had already atean half the meal, and didn't seem to plan on stopping soon.

"k-kokichi.." shuichi groaned and kokichi looked up at him with puppy dog eyes and mouth full of food.

"mmph?" was the only noise the smaller let out before going back to eating his food.

"damn, i can't stay mad at you forever..." shuichi sighed and sat down on the couch, watching tv to distract him from the animalistic noises behind him.

after about 30 minutes it got silent, which is never a good sign when you own a cat.

reluctantly, shuichi sat up and decided to see where he went.

"kokichi?...kokichi?!" shuichi called out and went silent when he got no response.

'guess i'll have to do this, kichi, forgive me later..' the owner prayed to himself and squated to him knees.

"pspspspspspsps.." shuichi mutered taking out a pack of goldfish.

and like that kokichi came rushing in from the kitchen, snatching the goldfish packet out his hands.

"oh yeeea goldfish!" kokichi smiled and ate the pack with the plastic making shuichi worry.

"kokichi you're gonna get a stoamch ache if you eat too much." he told the neko and picked him up.

he seemed a pound or two heavier, but that seemed to be all.

"cmon, atleast be on the couch when it happens." shuichi told him and put kokichi on thw couch and sat next to him.

"i won't get a stoamch ache, supreme leaders don't even get sick!" kokichi threw his hands in the air and shuichi put the other in his lap.


"really, i don't!"

about another 30 minutes later, the two were talking over the movie about anything and nothing.

"and that's why you don't eat fish?" shuichi asked surprised and kokichi nodded.

"yep! they t--urghh..." the neko cut himself off, doubling back as a pain struck his stoamch.

"and there it is~" shuichi cooed and ouma blushed.

"s-shut up, just help me!" kokichi squealed and shuichi nodded.

"gotcha," he then passed the neko two edible pills to stop his stoamch ache.

"grhk, it still hurttts.." kokichi whined.

shuichi giggled at the whining neko, "yeah, i told you, here lie down.." shuichi encouraged him to lie on his back.

"w-what are you doi..iiiiing....." his sentence turned to nothing as shuichi carresed his stoamch.

"i knew that would feel good." shuichi told himself and the neko puffed his cheeks.

"it does not!"

"then would you like me to stop?" shuichi removed him hand a put.

the neko bit his lip and shook his head, "n-no...keep going.." he muttered and shuichi smiled.

"my pleasure."

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