Chapter 8

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I froze on my spot. I was not prepared to face him yet. Usually he avoids me, what has happened now? Why is he calling me? I gulped.

"Why are you running away from me?"

I quickly turned around. It was embarrassing to get caught.

"Anio. What makes you think so?" I tried to sound normal but my voice was shaking. I looked in every other direction but his face.

"Why are your cheeks red and why are you sweating all of a sudden?"

I scolded my heart for beating so fast. I even mentally slapped myself, hard.

"It's so hot today...." I laughed at him awkwardly.

"Anyways, how do you feel now?"

For a moment I was blank. Did he ask my health? He waved his hand in front of my eyes to bring me back to reality. "Did you just ask me about my health?"

 "Did you just ask me about my health???"😶

Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows, "Yes, why?"

"I mean you are caring for me....... Since when?"😏

Now Yoongi was the one to give me an awkward smile, "I got my answer. You're as good as new, perhaps better." He walked towards the building.

 "HEY! ANSWER ME!" I ran after him.


It was English period, Yoongi was attentively listening to the teacher. But you know, 'attention' and 'Jill' don't go together.

"Yoongi?" I whispered in his ear.

He jumped. "Geez! You scared me! what happened?" he whispered back.

"How is your mother now?"

He seemed to be lost for a second but instantly replied, "Ah, She's fine."

I replied him with an 'O' and looked at the teacher so that she doesn't suspect us talking.

"I am sorry." He spoke out of the blue.

I looked at him in wide eyes, "Says the one who always ignores me and finds hard to even say a 'hello'? May I know the reason please?" I said sarcastically.

"I-I am sorry f-for shouting at you that night. I was just stressed that day." He looked down, feeling guilty.

I had already forgiven him for that. I knew he didn't mean to do that. "Its okay. I forgive you."

After some more minutes of silence.

"What about your father?"

"He stays in Canada. He works there."

"And what about you two?"

"I'll complete my studies and then settle there."

I felt a bit sad at his words. I do not want him to leave Korea.

Suddenly someone tapped my shoulder. It was Saeyon. She sits behind me. "Can you please tell me the answer to this question?"

I was careless and spun my head a bit fast. Immediately I was engulfed in an acute pain. I clutched my head and hissed.

"Careful Y/N! are you okay?!" he panicked.

I nodded as the pain gradually subsided but suddenly, I felt like throwing up. I added a point to my 'DON'TS', that is, do not spin your head too fast.

I rushed out of the classroom without caring to ask the teacher. Hardly had I reached the washroom than everything came out of my stomach. My throat burned. Vomiting is really painful. After, I was done I washed my face.

I met with an anxious Yoongi infront of the lady's washroom. "Hey, are you feeling, okay? Does your head hurt? Do you want to go home??" I was bombarded with so many questions. Yoongi's voice was so full of concern. He did care for me after all. I couldn't but smile to myself.

"I am fine. I felt nauseous due to the side effects of medicines. No need to worry"

We returned to the class and continued with our lecture.

After the class ended.


"Ne? Wait- What did you just call me?!"


"Don't give me such names, I don't like it."

"Fine, but you can at least call me 'Jill' instead of Y/N. I am better known in that name."

"Whatever...", he rolled his eyes, "What do you want now?" I missed this cold dude so much.

"Can I ask you something?"

My tone was deadly serious. Even he was puzzled. He nodded.

I asked in a deep low voice, "Why are you always so serious?"

I should have captured his facial expression. It was so funny. I couldn't control anymore and busted into laughter. I clutched my stomach. He clenched his jaw and balled his fist. He was fuming in anger. He stood up and left the room. I thought its better not to push him anymore. He has already opened up a lot.


When I got home, I found a pair of high heels at our door. Perhaps there was a guest. I saw Jimin approaching me with a smile. His mind seemed to be what we call, 'Garden... Garden'.

"Welcome home, little sis."

"Aren't you supposed to be in the office?" I felt like Deja-vu.

"It was a half-day."

"I see......... By the way, what makes you so happy?"

"Find it out yourself."

I followed him to the living room. I discovered a pretty woman, very elegantly dressed, sitting on the sofa. Her figure was toned and her brown hair was let loose on her back.

"Meet my girlfriend, Kasumi. And Kasumi, meet my lovely sister, Jill."

"Mannasseo bangap simnida. (Nice to meet u). I led out my hand.

Finally, Jimin revealed his girlfriend. I secretly winked at him.

Kasumi took my hand, "Me too. We will be great friends in future."

But I sensed something fishy and Kasumi's smile was giving bad vibes. Even her words didn't seem to be sincere. I eyed Jimin but he didn't get my message. He was too busy for that.

Kasumi stood up.

"Are you leaving already?" Jimin asked.

"I'm sorry, but I have an appointment today." She replied.

"Will you not dine with us?" Why do I feel like she is trying to avoid me?

"Perhaps next time...." She gently pulled my cheeks.

Jimin followed her to the door. He hugged her and she hugged him back. But I saw her lips twitch to an evil smirk.

"Are you sure, she is committed to you?" I asked him once she was gone.


Q/A time!!

Q. Is something really fishy?

A. Y/N: of course there is something! My sixth sense cant be wrong! 

Q. Did Yoongi really care for Y/N?

A. Y/N: 😏😏

Yoongi: " I am not caring! I am just curious to know about her health. Thats it!"

Why So Serious?✅   Yoongi X Reader (Feat. Jimin)Where stories live. Discover now