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It had been a year since everything happened, and now, I was in my final year of graduation. Time had flown by so quickly; it felt like just yesterday that I had been lying in a hospital bed, trying to comprehend all that had happened.

Jimin was doing great as well. He and Tae had both received promotions in their jobs, and it felt like they were finally stepping into their futures. We often reminisced about the wild times we had shared, from late-night study sessions to the chaotic group projects that had almost driven us mad.

Life had settled into a comfortable rhythm, but this year was a little different. The school had gone through some reorganization, and unfortunately, our sections had changed. I found myself standing in the playground, waiting for my boyfriend, Yoongi. The air was filled with the sounds of laughter and chatter, with students milling around, enjoying the sun.

I scanned the playground. Namjoon, not far from me, was making out with his girlfriend, their giggles filling the air. I checked my watch, a beautiful silver piece with tiny stones embedded in it—Yoongi had gifted it to me on our first date. It always made me smile when I saw it.

"Geez... he shouldn't keep a girl waiting this long! It's already been 10 minutes!" I muttered to myself, crossing my arms and pouting in frustration.

Just then, I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I turned around, expecting to see Yoongi, but it was Jin instead, standing there with a bright grin."Waiting for your boyfriend?" he asked.

I nodded, smiling back at him.

"How about I keep you company until he gets here?" he suggested.

"That would be nice," I said, grateful for the distraction.

Jin shifted on his feet and looked a bit nervous, which was unusual for him. Then, out of nowhere, he blurted, "Jill, you know I'm dating someone, right?"

My eyes widened in surprise. "Wait, what?! Who is she?" I nudged him playfully, genuinely curious. Jin's ears turned red, which was adorable.

"Sasha..." he admitted shyly, looking down at the ground.

"Aww, how dare you hide that from your bestie?!" I teased, nudging him again, my excitement bubbling up. "You've been holding out on me!"

Just as I was about to pester him for more details, a low cough interrupted us. I turned around, and there he was—Yoongi, standing behind me with his arms crossed, looking like he had just walked into a battlefield. His expression was the epitome of jealousy, and the glare he was shooting at Jin could have turned anyone to stone.

Jin froze for a moment under Yoongi's piercing gaze. It was one of those "deadliest glares ever" situations. I almost felt sorry for Jin, almost.

I stifled a laugh. "Uh-oh, someone's in trouble," I muttered under my breath, glancing between the two of them.

Yoongi took a step forward, his eyes never leaving Jin. "You're spending too much time with my girlfriend, Jin," he said, his tone low and pointed.

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Jin raised his hands in surrender, a sheepish grin spreading across his face. "Hey, hey, relax! I was just keeping her company. No need for the death stare, man."

Yoongi's gaze softened ever so slightly, but the protective air around him remained strong. He stepped closer to me, slipping his hand into mine, and pulled me a little closer to him. "Sorry for making you wait," he mumbled, his voice softening as he looked at me.

I smiled up at him, all my earlier frustration melting away. "You're forgiven... for now."

Jin, sensing the shift, took that as his cue to leave. "Okay, I'll see you later, Jill. And if this guy ever leaves you," he pointed a finger at Yoongi, "I'm always here for you. After all, I'm worldwide handsome." He winked at me, and I couldn't help but giggle at his antics.

"That won't be needed!" I shouted after him, still laughing as he walked away. 

As Jin disappeared, Yoongi turned back to me, "So, what were you two talking about?"

"Oh, just Jin telling me about his new girlfriend, Sasha. Nothing too scandalous," I teased, nudging him playfully.

Yoongi's voice was dead serious as he retorted, "Is it so?"

I turned to face Yoongi, but my eyes went past him as someone else waved at me from behind. It was Jungkook and his girlfriend, Eunha. I waved back, feeling a rush of nostalgia. God, he was so handsome! Even after all this time, a small part of me still had a crush on him. Yoongi knew that. He understood it was nothing compared to what I felt for him, but it was still there, a harmless little flutter, might eventually fade away in upcoming days.

Turning back to face Yoongi, I noticed that his brows were still knitted together in annoyance. He looked more serious than usual, and it made me wonder what was bothering him. "Why so serious?" I teased, pinching his nose playfully, hoping to lighten the mood.

"Why are you so clingy to boys?" he grumbled, his expression softening slightly but still carrying that hint of jealousy.

"I'm not clingy! They drool over me. Now, what can I do if I'm so gorgeous~~" I shrugged my shoulders dramatically, a teasing smirk on my lips.

"Okay, fine, Miss Gorgeous!" he shot back, but there was a playful glint in his eyes.

In an unexpected move, he suddenly pulled me closer by my waist, and our lips met in a gentle yet electrifying kiss. My eyes widened for a moment in surprise, my mind racing. "Stop it! Teachers will kill us if they see!" I mumbled between kisses, a mix of excitement and panic bubbling inside me.

"Shut up! Concentrate on what you're doing. We can take care of other matters later," he scolded, a playful tone lacing his voice, which made me giggle uncontrollably.

Closing my eyes, I melted into the moment, deepening our kiss, feeling a warmth spread through my body that made everything else fade away. After we finally broke apart, I looked up at him, breathless. "What was that for?" I asked, a grin stretching across my face.

"To show those boys that you are only mine," he replied, a smug smile playing on his lips.

I rolled my eyes, playfully slapping his arm. "Pabo! I'm always yours!"

We both laughed at our silliness, the lightness in the air easing any lingering tension.

"Want another?" he asked, a mischievous spark in his eyes.

"NOOOOooo!" I squealed, playfully darting away from him and running into the building, leaving a betrayed-looking Yoonkitty in my wake. I couldn't help but giggle as I glanced back, his expression a mix of amusement and feigned hurt.

 I couldn't help but giggle as I glanced back, his expression a mix of amusement and feigned hurt

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Why So Serious?✅   Yoongi X Reader (Feat. Jimin)Where stories live. Discover now