Chapter 7

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Namjoon took out his notebook and started walking back towards his club.

"Limo girl has a name aka Yuki Dodjima.

I think she is Yumei Kazuma.

Theory unproven but I will find out the truth.

Question is where did she disappear to now?"

He closed his notebook and stopped at his club 'Classic Mystery.' He opened the door and saw Tae standing in the middle of a big mess.

"What happened?"

Tae looked at him. "My guess the jocks have been here."

Namjoon placed his bag down, there were papers everywhere and all of their notes we're lying over the place. "Why would they keep doing this?"

Tae exhaled a breath. "Maybe you should ask the Jocks."

Namjoon's eyes widened. "The Jocks? Why would-"

"That is the question isn't it." Tae interrupted him and held up a piece of paper towards Namjoon. It was torn in half.

All of their papers we're thrown out of the drawers and files were laying all over the place. Namjoon noticed the cabinet which he kept his papers in of Yumei, was broken and everything was gone.

He took the paper from Tae, something was written on it. "You should stop looking into Yumei Kazuma if you know what is good for you." Namjoon scanned the paper a few time, he didn't recognize the handwriting. 

'Was this the doing of the man that was with Yuki?'He shook his head, 'No there wasn't enough time for him to do that and besides he was worried over her well being, he wouldn't have done this.' Namjoon took out his notebook.

Tae was busy sorting through everything and threw the damaged documents away. "Joonie, this is rather strange that everything is destroyed and only your notes on Yumei has been taken."

Namjoon gave him a nod, "You are right this is rather strange. Is your computer working?" Tae shook his head, "No, they have taken the hard drive."

'Shit! This only means that they were getting close or someone really doesn't want them to find out about Yumei.' Namjoon opened his notebook and placed the paper in between the pages and he wrote next to it.

"So something strange happened, our Mystery club has been ransacked and a message has been left 'You should stop looking-' See exhibit A.

I still had Yuki's book, I think I will keep it with me so that if I need to talk to her I can." He flipped his notebook closed and placed his notebook next to her book in his bag. Luckily they didn't have his new notebook. He let out a deep sigh and helped Tae clean up the mess around them.

Yoongi and Yumei caught up to the group and Yoongi kept them close to the back of the line. "So our fellow freshmen, we hope you have enjoyed your tour of the university!" A few students looked at each other and a few girls screamed. "That is good to hear! So tomorrow we will start with initiation."

Yoongi breathed a sigh of relief, the day was over! Yumei leaned close to his ear. "What is initiation?" Yoongi closed his eyes and reopened them. "You'll find out tomorrow," he looked down at his watch it was almost 3 pm.

"Why can't you tell me now?"

Yoongi dragged her to the right, "What would be the fun in that?"

Yumei stopped dead in her tracks and Yoongi bounced backwards, he let go of her hand and turned to face her. "You are mean! And I am still mad at you!"

Yoongi kind of hoped that she would have forgotten their little fight. "I tell you what. I'll send Jimin a text that we will be late and then I'll buy you an ice cream."

Yumei pouted, "Ice cream is not going to fix everything." Yoongi walked forward and pinched her cheeks. "But you are thinking about it, aren't you?"

Yumei tried to push Yoongi backwards but she failed miserably. "I am not going to stop pinching until you say yes!"

"Okay, okay. Please just stop." Yoongi stopped and his smirk widened. "You can never say no to ice cream," He thought for a moment but couldn't remember why she kept loving ice cream so much.

"You are right, but will it be okay? I mean father won't be mad?" Yoongi saw the worry in her eyes and he didn't even know if he is making the right call. Mr Kazuma will be angry that they went but he was with her and that meant she will be safe.

Yoongi hated to do this but he linked his arm with hers. "It will be fine, so what ice cream do you want?"

"I want a chocolate-vanilla swirly!" Yumei was beaming, Yoongi couldn't help but be drawn to her childlike innocence. 'Who gets excited over something so simple as ice cream?' He took out his phone, "I'll buy you the biggest one there is!"

Yumei was practically dragging him now. "Slow down or I'll never finish the text to Jimin."

Yumei stopped at the ice cream shop that was a few blocks from campus, her eyes darted around. The place felt so familiar to her. "Do you still want the chocolate-vanilla swirly?"

Yumei turned and blinked as the memory of seven years ago surfaced. 'You still want chocolate?' Yoongi looked over at her. "Yuki? Are you alright?"

Yumei just nodded her head, "Yeah. I am fine. I would still like a chocolate swirly." Yoongi nodded and turned to the counter, he took a raspberry ice cream. He felt relief that she was okay because she was born with a weak immune system and he was scared that today's activities might have taken its toll on her.

He got the ice cream and gave her, her swirly and inhaled a breath. "Yumei," he said very softly so that no one can overhear them, "I am sorry about the way I have treated you and the way I had spoken to you."

Yumei took the swirly from him and smiled brightly. "You are forgiven, Yoongi." They took a seat outside and ate their ice cream in silence. That was what Yoongi loved about Yumei, they didn't need to talk to hang out they just got each other.

He looked at his watch again, it was 5 pm. 'Shit! He told Jimin they will be back at 4 pm!' Yumei was still slurping on her ice cream when he gently touched her hand. "Uhm, Yumei we are an hour late."

Yumei's eyes widened and Yoongi had to bit back a laugh, there was ice cream on her nose. "Yoongi! Father will kill us!"

Mr Kazuma was a strict man but he loved his daughter with all of his heart. He wanted everything for her but not the life they are living now and because of the fact that she had a weak immune system meant that she couldn't have had a normal childhood as he wanted her too.

They both jumped up and Yoongi took out his handkerchief and wiped the ice cream from her nose he then grabbed her wrist and started running where Jimin said Majima would be waiting for them. Yumei lost a part of her ice cream cone along the way but majima already stood with the door opened. "You are late, Yoongi. Lucky for you I have told the master we have a flat tyre."

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