Chapter 65

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Hoseok went to look for Jungkook, he found him in the garden looking at his phone.

He cleared his throat, "Yamato."

Jungkook turned in surprise, "Hoseok, it is you."

Hoseok folded his arms, "You should be more vigilant of your surroundings."

"I didn't think you'd be back-"

"We are, Jin wants to have a meeting but I need to talk to you first."

Jungkook blinked, what on earth? His gaze narrowed in on Hoseok's expression. It was serious, "About?"

Hoseok sat down on a garden bench and patted the seat next to him. "Namjoon and Tae came up with the mystery party which Jin wants to make a move."

Junkook stiffened a bit at the mention of Tae's name and he sat down next to Hoseok. "What do you-"

Hoseok interrupted him, "I need you to understand. I need you on my side, no matter who tells you what to do."

Jungkook didn't know what to say, he had his orders for his mission and he was always on Tae's side when it came to plans so what was Hoseok going to ask him?

Hoseok turned his gaze to Jungkook, "No matter the plan Tae, gives you I need you to follow my plan to the tee."


"I need you to commit... Because after the party all of this is going to end... The families, Yumei, Namjoon and Yoongi will be free."

Jungkook never sees Hoseok looking so desperate but... "I agree to your terms."

Hoseok let out a sigh of relief. "That is good to hear because Jin intends to kidnap Yumei at the party and I need that plan to succeed."

"Wait... What? Are you-"

Hoseok held up his hand. "I have told you that you need to commit. It is necessary for my plan to succeed, which will free everyone."

Jungkook rubbed the back of his neck, so no matter what anyone else asked of him... He had to make sure that Yumei gets kidnapped and then he would have to lie so that Hoseok's plan... Whatever it is succeeding?

This was becoming one of his most twisted missions yet... Before he could answer Hoseok continued. "I believe Tae, is going to ask you to help them keep Yumei safe at the party-"

"How do you know this?"

Hoseok smirked at him, "I know they know and are trying to save her. It is obvious because that is what we all want. The trick is to play the fool so you can fool the fool."

Jungkook leaned backwards in the bench breaking eye contact with Hoseok. "That is some deep psychology."

"I know, so listen. No matter what they plan is you will have to foil it so that we can let Jin think he won this. And this means you would have to be sneaky about your messaging..."

Hoseok heard the door open that lead to the garden. "You must keep me updated on their plans always, so we can stay ahead at all times."

Jungkook nodded his head slowly, this would mean he would have to betray his friend's trust. It wasn't going to be an easy thing to do but he would have to trust Hoseok who he had known for three days now. "I will make sure to keep you updated, Hoseok."

Hoseok stood up from the bench and winked at Jungkook, "We have a meeting with Jin in ten minutes, Yamato." 

Hoseok had to talk quickly, he had a suspicion who would be coming through that door. He should be calm and collected, there was one more secret he hadn't told anyone. He had witnessed Goro's murder, he was in the garden that evening. He saw her pulling the trigger, she had run from the mansion after that.

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