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Practice was as mundane as usual with Coach Lawless on her latest rant about "off court behavior". I was sure she had heard of my wild weekend until, to my surprise and relief, she fixed her eyes on Beth.

"Is there anything you want to share with your teammates, Ms. Rawlings?" she asked, and I bit my lip as Beth put on her best, most sincere, and innocent smile. Kelly Ledell, the notorious snitch on the team, perked up a little. Proud of her latest tattle while on her never-ending quest for a starting position.

"No ma'am, I enjoyed my typical Saturday evening activities. Dinner with Perry and then loads of praying before bed time." Beth clasped her hands in a prayer like motion, as she pushed out her chest in Kelly's direction. Exasperated, Coach Lawless rolled her green eyes while she pulled the white granny panties out of her bottom, fighting the ongoing, never-ending, epic battle between her thick panties and her tight sweatpants. She was a grumpy old broad, but we all knew Beth was her favorite. We knew she could never stay truly upset with her despite all of Kelly's attempts to drive a wedge between the two. After all, Beth was the best libero in school history, breaking every NCAA record, and therefore could do no wrong. Her 5'2" beautiful and petite frame made her seem almost angelic. Ethereal. Lovely. Quite the opposite of her true self, the part beyond her striking external beauty and years of expensive etiquette classes. The part of her that was something else entirely. A wolf in sheep's clothing.

I smiled as she brazenly winked at Kelly. Pettiness personified. I wanted to fully enjoy how Kelly pouted and curled into herself but at this moment, my mind was elsewhere. Past all the juvenile humor I usually delighted in. Reminiscing on a pair of eyes. Brown Eyes. Beautiful eyes. Again, I touched my hairline where Peter had caused it to open. When he tried to rape me. I shuttered. I knew these flashbacks were real. They were more than simply my imagination wanting to believe something that wasn't there. I had the man's black t-shirt to prove it. 

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