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I gripped the white diploma cylinder so hard my charcoal nails poked through the thin paper. My official diploma would be mailed to my house in Portland in a handful of weeks. Three weeks to be exact. There was no telling where I would be living by then. My stomach clenched at all the uncertainty I felt. I had always been so regimented, with the same goal since I was five. Now I felt as though I couldn't be certain of anything. Helen had instructed that I pack all of my belongings and she would send a nondescript black transport van to my apartment Monday morning to drive me to The Academy's top secret location.

Before I could consider any further what the hell The Academy would even look like, I caught a glimpse of the most handsome man I had ever seen, and realized I didn't care what The Academy was. As long as I had Kyler I had everything. He was moving his way slowly through the crowd of crying families, his hands in his suit pockets, and I feared a few of the grandmothers on his way to me would keel right over. The dimples on his cheeks were absolutely divine as he beamed at me and I couldn't wait to get some more alone time with him tonight. Starting at midnight he was off the clock and I could only hope he would be on top of me, for twenty four straight hours. I reached out for him and kissed him as deeply as I could, inserting my fingers into those beautiful dimples. I wanted to be his for the rest of my life, and now that I had joined The Protection, I could. I just had to find a way to tell him. I kept my face close to his chest and breathed in his intoxicating smell, praying he couldn't feel the anxiety that was rolling off of me in waves. He relaxed into my arms and neither one of us seemed to mind how sweaty the other one was.

We had agreed to meet, oddly enough, in the courtyard, away from the majority of the crying families and noise. I was crushed when my Mom said she couldn't afford the flight, but I understood money was tight and a flight to Texas was not exactly cheap. Still, I found myself slightly jealous of all the other families present, but the thought of Misty here now seemed more like an imposition. This moment was meant to be shared with the person that I loved the very most in the world, and as crazy and selfish as it sounded, I had him here. My eyes trailed up his chest to find Kyler smiling down at me, and I gripped his black suit jacket tighter, kissing him openly until I felt the world, and the sick feeling I hadn't been able to relinquish all day, fade away. The feeling of love flowed like water, from my fingertips to my toes as his tongue danced with mine, and sparks of pleasure erupted along my spine as he trailed one large hand down my back. We would have never been this bold only weeks ago, but I was desperate, and I could feel the desperation in him too. Our minds mingled as he cradled my head in his hands, deepening our kiss. I bit onto his plump lower lip pulling it into my mouth. I felt so complete when we were together, like nothing could break me. He pulled away and the feeling of dread clenched my throat again, but he didn't notice as he rested his hand in mine.

"I'm going to miss this when you go back to Portland," he breathed, and I felt guilt surge with the dread. I really should just tell him. I had no clue what kept holding me back. He would be overjoyed and excited I chose to stay and join his ranks...wouldn't he?! "I hear they have an opening for a Protector in Portland. I've always wanted to go. I would just have to find a local who could show me around." He squeezed my fingers, and I smiled at the thought. Kyler and I parading through the brick streets of downtown with dark beanies on our heads and plaid flannel jackets covering our shoulders, sipping hot coffees in the cold drizzle. Showing the man I loved everything else I loved. I smiled again. He was willing to follow me, as unnecessary as that was.

Before I could steal up the courage to confess, he kissed my hand. "I'll go grab my truck, and we can go get something to eat. How about that hole-in-the-wall Italian place I know you love? The one on Lemmon Avenue?" I nodded. "Meet me by the Chapel," he said, and I waved half-heartedly, trying to mask how disappointed I was to see him go, even if it would only be a few minutes. "And Perry," He said, turning back around. "Don't go chasing after some other guy when I leave. I don't know if my fragile heart could handle you taking off on me," he teased, winking at me, his brown eyes shining as he walked backwards, a hand over his heart. My own heart pounded. He was absolutely perfect. And he was mine. All mine. I giggled, shaking my head. Silly boy. How could I even think about anyone else when I already had everything I had ever wanted? When I already had Kyler Isaacs.

The wind picked up, dancing my hair across my face, so I didn't see him until he slammed right into me. Hard. His large body nearly knocking me to the ground, causing me to stagger sideways several steps in my high heels.

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