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"Hurry, go into my room. Down the hallway, the third door on the left. Go. Hide. She can't know you're here," he hissed, shoving me down a hallway. I entered the room he instructed and closed the door, just as I heard the front door open. Who couldn't know I was here?!

I turned from the door, momentarily forgetting the unexpected guest, transfixed instead by the bedroom I was in. The space was massive and spotless with exposed brick walls and a huge California King bed. The massive bed was much more inviting than Ben's boxspring on the floor. The eclectic sanded oak headboard complimented the light gray coverlet and blue abstract rug that peaked out beneath the bottom of the bed. The rug felt soft beneath my bare feet as I let my hand hover atop of the coverlet and white expensive hotel quality sheets underneath. I sighed as I trailed my fingers over the top of the supple material and walked slowly to the light wood six drawer dresser on the other edge of the room. The wood matched the headboard, and I wondered if they had come as part of a set, from an expensive department store.

My eyes moved from the dresser itself, to the gold decorative picture frames that adorned the dresser, picking up one at a time. There was a photo of Kyler with a group of good-looking Protectors outside of an expansive glass building. I smiled, but set it down and moved on to the next photo, Kyler standing and hugging a man a few inches shorter, years older, and almost as handsome. His father. They had the exact same strong jawline and brilliant smile, but the man's short dark hair and emerald green eyes varied from his son's brilliant honey eyes. I set down the frame and fought the overwhelming urge to rifle through his dresser drawers, smelling his shirts and stealing a pair of athletic shorts. I forced myself to cross the room to where I could now hear his muffled voice. I pushed my ear against the door to listen.

"Hey, Mom," he said, and I couldn't resist this urge, opening the door a crack to try and see the woman who had created such a beautiful man.

"Honey. So sorry to bother you on your night off, but I was visiting someone in the neighborhood and thought it would be such a waste to not take an opportunity to say hello," she breathed while air kissing him. She was even more beautiful than in the vision from his childhood. Dripping in diamonds and jewels in leather leggings and a fur coat. Expensive. Exquisite taste.

"Sure," he replied, and I could tell by his tone he didn't believe a single word she said.

"While I am here, I should also ask you about the Andrews girl you brought home last Saturday. How is she? Are there anymore signs of sight?" she asked, and he shook his head adamantly.

"No, Mom. Like I told you on the phone - nothing," he responded, and she looked mystified.

"I could have sworn..." she said, pushing a blonde lock of hair behind her ear, exposing an extravagant diamond earring.

"Yeah, disappointing, but nothing," he said quickly and she put a hand on his arm.

"Well, just to be sure, I think you should watch her for another week. Maybe go to Iowa for her little... volleyball thing. You know how sometimes stressful situations can bring out certain gifts," she remarked, adjusting a painting on the wall that wasn't perfectly centered. He was shaking his head, but she was already finished and walking back towards the door. "Ok, darling, I'll leave you be. Tell Alana I said hello. Oh, I just adore the two of you together," she said as her sky high nude heels clicked the dark wood floor on her way to the door. She gave Kyler an air kiss on each cheek and walked out of the house.

Alana? The two of you together?! I replayed the words in my head as I backpedaled numbly, falling onto his large California King. Kyler was seeing someone. Seeing Alana. I didn't know why I felt so insanely jealous. And heartbroken. So what if we just had a moment on the couch. If I had almost kissed him. At the end of the day, I hardly knew him.

He opened the door without knocking, and I looked up at him with empty eyes. Somehow now basking in his beauty felt dirty seeing as he was with someone. Alana. Even her name was beautiful. I was sure they made the most beautiful, perfect couple, and that they would have the most beautiful and gifted children someday. I was foolish to ever have considered I was good enough to have a chance with him.

"I think it's time I go back to campus," I sighed, and he nodded moving aside so I could pass. 

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