The fighting

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Laida : So what should we do first ? Eat ? Or SHOPPING !!!

Althea : Uhmmmm....  I Suggest we eat first.

Monica : Okay , I'm fine with that .

Laida : Since both of you wants to eat first ,I guess we're really going to eat first. Even though shopping is way better .

Monica:  Trust me girl , I saw a nice restaurant on the 2nd floor!

While talking , Laida and Monica noticed that Althea is quiet.

Laida : *whispers to Monica * What's wrong with Althea ?She is so quiet AF and she's just looking in the floor. What's she thinking?

Monica : I don't know . I can't read minds .

Laida : *eye roll * I will just ask her.

Laida : Althea , are you okay ? Like legit okay ?

Althea : what ? Sorry , I wasn't listening. What were you saying ?

Laida : I said , are you okay ? What are you thinking right now ? You look so sad ? Is something bothering ?

Althea : "Yeah in fine. " I said with a smile on my face.

Monica : Are you sure Althea ?

Althea : "Yeah . Let's go to the restaurant you were talking about." I said with a smile again . As if everything is okay . I was actually thinking about Princess and her "friends" . What if they're here too? I can't tell them (Laida and Monica ) that , they'll just think that I'm crazy or something .

Monica : Okay.

*in the restaurant *

Monica : Guys, if you want , I'll just order the foods for the both of you.

Althea : Yeah why not ? Since you know this restaurant better than us , you also probably know their best sellers! Right Laida?

Laida : "Agree." Laida said whit a not so sure voice .
"Just don't pick the ones with seafoods!

Monica : I know and there's no seafoods here.

Laida : Gurl , you said you know this restaurant . There's fish and shrimp available here. It says on the big poster on the front .

Monica : "I guess I'm blind ." *wink wink *

Laida : Ughh ! I hate you so much !

Monica : I'll just order your food and add seafoods in it . No just joking .

Laida : "HAHAHAHAHHA funny ! " Laida said with a sarcasm voice .

Monica ordered our food . She went back holding one tray full of different kinds of bowls and plates .

Monica : *puts the tray on the table * Let's eat !!

Laida : *in shock * That's a ton of food ! There's Spaghetti , soups , rice and some kind of meat , chicken, and REAL FRIES !!!!!

Monica : just eat them already !

*Few minutes later *

Althea : This is actually really good Monica . How did you know about this restaurant ?

Monica : When I'm  bored , i always go here to eat .

Laida : Ohhhhhh , so that's why you gained weight . Hahahahha hahahah

Monica : "Wow ! Look at you , so skinny ! " Monica said with a sarcasm voice .

Laida, Yup ! It seems that you're right . Just joking HAHAHAHAH .

They continued talking and eating . While eating , Laida look through the glass and saw something .

Laida : is that them ?

Althea : who ?

Monica :  huh ? Who ?

Laida : them .

Althea : can you please tell me who ?

Laida : just look behind you .

Monica : Oh I see it ! Look behind you Althea .

Althea : Oh My God !!!!!! Its ......

Cliffhanger ! Sorry not sorry ;) hahahah
~author blah lah 

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