My sister and my mom make fun
fun of me
For dressing
Dressing like an old lady
I laugh along with them
As my eyes become glossier and dim
I dress like an old old lady
my old soul is aching aching
Will someone help me
I dress like an old old lady
My sister and mom make fun of me
For dressing the only way I can hide my true being
Will someone take off this warm and cozy
from my sweaty back
As the august waves of summer burden my lies and vile ticks
Will someone roll down my black turtleneck
As I stop and lie to them
telling them its the new new
york city fashion
I dress like an old old lady
My old soul is slowly dying
I am no longer laughing
I dress like an old old
old old
l a d y
My my cuts are bleeding
Bleeding through my
new new new york fashion
My warm and cozy cardigan
My hair is now undone
it was once a repressed tied up bun
But now my curls are flowing out
Just like I am sobbing
as my old soul aches
and as my fashion withers away
I feel naked when my true emotions awake
I dress like an old old lady
My mom and sister make fun fun of me