Chapter Eleven: Where's Fìonn?

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Hinata sits at his desk. Mrs Tanaka's voice drowned out. He's lost in his thoughts. It's been several days and Fìonn hasn't been at school. Hinata is a little worried...and a little frustrated. He is the only missing piece in the puzzle. He has to talk to him. But...where is he?

Once class was over, he walks over to Akihito's desk. She must know something.


"Oh! Hi Hinata!"

"Where's Fìonn?" He asks.

"I-I... don't really know. He hasn't been responding to texts and he won't answer my calls. I'm a little worried..."

"Is he really sick?" He enquires.

"I'm not sure. When I went to his house to drop off his homework, his mum was a little vague. I asked if I could talk to him and she said "no", but, she seemed concerned herself. So, I'm at a loss".

Hinata thinks to himself. If Fìonn isn't actually sick, then, he's avoiding school. If that's the case, then, he knows it's his fault. He has to see him:

"Akihito! Where does Fìonn live?"

"What? Why?"

"Please, I have to talk to him. What's his address?"

"Mmm... I don't know." She says.

"I'm begging you! Please!" Hinata pleads.

She thinks. She can see it in his eyes

"Ok..." she concedes.


After volleyball practice, Hinata heads to Fìonn's house. He was nervous, he knows that he is completely out of line appearing at his house unannounced. He knows that there is every chance that Fìonn will refuse to speak to him. He has to try!

Following Akihito's instructions, he arrives at Fìonn's house. His nerves were building. No turning back!

He slowly approaches the door. He lifts his arm and presses the doorbell.

Who will answer the door? What if Fìonn answers? The suspense was terrifying.

The door opens and a woman stands before him.

"Yes?" The woman asks.

"Uhm...I'm sorry to bother you, is Fìonn home?"

"Who are you?"


"You shouldn't be here! You shouldn't have come!" She scolds.

"B-but I..."

"You're an awful person. How dare you treat Fìonn the way you did. That was disgusting! You should be ashamed of yourself! GO AWAY!" She yells, slamming the door in his face.

Hinata stands there. His mouth agape.

He turns and walks back down the path. Tears start streaming down his face again. This is all his fault.

When he reaches the end of the path, he looks round. The noticed the curtains twitching. Someone was looking. Was it Fìonn?


His words echo in the breeze. He waits...


Defeated. Hinata turns and heads home. The tears stream endlessly down his face. He isn't sure what to do next.


Hinata stares blankly up at the ceiling. This scene has become quite familiar to him. He can't think what else to do. Should he go back and beg Fìonn's mum? Should he wait until Fìonn returns to school? What if he never comes back?

*Knock Knock* "Shoyo?" His mum calls. "Can I come in?"


She peers in to see Hinata lying on his bed in the dark.

She sits at the end of his bed. "Judging by your silence over the past few days I'm assuming things didn't go too well with Fìonn?"

Hinata sits up to face his mum in the eyes. "He hasn't been at school for days. I went to his house but his mum slammed the door in my face. So, she obviously knows what I did".

"Oh Shoyo! I'm sorry!" She says leaning over to hug him.

"I've messed everything up! I've completely wrecked it!" he cries. "What do I do now!?"

Tears forming in her eyes: "I'm so sorry Shoyo. I don't know"

"Oh no..." Hinata cries

She hugs him while he continues to cry.

"It's all my fault! I can't believe I ruined everything! I can't..." 

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