[Final] Chapter Twelve: "Because..."

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Several more days had past and Hinata had made no progress. He knew he had to bide his time. In other words, hoping that Fìonn would return to school. He might have a better chance. He hopes anyway.

Every morning, sitting at his desk, he stares intently at the door. Waiting...hoping that Fìonn will walk through the door.

Then! By sheer luck. Fìonn slowly walks through the door. Hinata's eyes widen.

But... Fìonn sits at a desk by the front. That's not where he normally sits.

"Hinata!" Mrs Tanaka shouts. "A quick word please"

Hinata gets up from his desk and follows Mrs Tanaka out the door.

"Right! I don't know the full details of what went on between you and Fìonn but you need to stay away from him!"

"Wait! What!?" Hinata asks.

"His Mother called. She is absolutely furious at the way you treated her son. Then you arrived unannounced at their door. That is unacceptable. Fìonn will be seated somewhere else from now on. You must stay from him! DO NOT APPROACH HIM!" She says very sternly.


"I don't want excuses! Stay away!" She instructs.

Admitting defeat, Hinata nods and heads back into the classroom. He glances over at Fìonn as he walks past. He won't look in his direction.

Hinata sits back at his desk. This has made things much more difficult. It will take all his might to succeed. He can't give up now...


It's the end of the school day. Hinata is determined to find Fìonn. He's determined to....something. He still isn't quite sure what he'll say but he'll say something.

He stands by the school gate, waiting for Fìonn to appear.

His patience pays off. He can see Fìonn walking towards the gate

"Fìonn!" he shouts, but his call is ignored.

"Fìonn! Wait!"

"FÌONN!" He shouts grabbing his arm.

Fìonn immediately throws off Hinata's arm

"WHAT!?" Fìonn screams


"I want to talk to you!" Hinata pleads

"Well I don't want to talk to you. I don't ever want to talk to you. I don't even want to ever look at you"

"I know. I understand that but I need to say something"

"Like what!?"

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry for how badly I've treated you. For everything that I said to you!"

"Whatever Hinata!" Fìonn shrugs.

"I've never had these feelings before. I didn't understand. I was confused" Hinata explains.

"Hah! Well, you made that perfectly clear!" Fìonn scoffs.

"I tried to supress them. I tried to ignore them. I tried to pretend that nothing happened. I still don't completely understand it all. This is all still new to me. But..."

"I'm done Hinata!"

Fìonn turns to walk away. He's distraught!

"Fìonn! Please! Wait!"

"WHY!?" Fìonn shouts continuing to walk away.

"Because..." Hinata stumbles.

Say it.



"Because...because I LOVE YOU!!!!" Hinata screams.

Fìonn stops dead in his tracks. Did he hear that right?

"What!?" He says in disbelief.

"I-I love you!" Hinata repeats.

Other students and passers-by's stop to look.

"You... love me?" Fìonn asks.

"Yes!" Hinata responds. "I...think I loved you from the first moment I saw you. I didn't understand. I still don't fully understand. But...I do know that I need you! I know my feelings for you are real!"

Fìonn stands there. Still slightly in shock. His eyes start to well up.

"I know it will take a while for you to trust me after the way I treated you. But...if you give me a chance. I will prove myself" Hinata promises.

"I love you too!" Fìonn responds through his tears. "I knew from that first day. I knew that you were someone special. I knew..."

Hinata starts running towards him. A huge smile is on his face. They embrace tightly!

Hinata starts to cry.

Not tears of sadness, but tears of joy.

They look deep into each other's eyes. Hinata leans up and places his lips on Fìonn's. His surroundings turn dark. They are the only two people in the world right now. Nothing else matters. Fìonn's lips are so soft. He runs his hands through Hinata's hair. Hinata squeezes Fìonn ever tighter. Not wanting to let go. They continue to kiss passionately. It feels good. It feels right. He feels shivers going down his spine. He's numb. He doesn't want this feeling to ever end. He wishes the feeling could last forever.

They lightly pull away. Staring into each other's eyes. He can see deep into Fìonn's soul.

"I love you, Shoyo" Fìonn declares.

Smiling. Hinata places his right hand on Fìonn's cheek.

"I love you too, Fìonn!"

They smile at each other. They know that this is it. They know that something beautiful is about to begin. Something that they will cherish. Something that...will change everything.

They embrace each other again. Hinata continues to smile. Everything has become clear. He understands now. This is what he wants. Fìonn is who he wants. This is...perfect!

He looks up again at Fìonn. Staring lovingly at his cute, crooked smile...

"I love you, my Albannach boy!"


AN: Thank you so much for reading this. I really enjoyed writing it and I really hope that you enjoyed reading it. I'm a little sad that my story is finished now. If you think I should write a sequel to this story, then, please leave a comment.

Always remember to be proud of who you are and never be ashamed of it. Love knows no borders and it has no limits. Love is infinite.

Thank you all for your support! :)

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