Chapter 4

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"Hey, bros what's up?" The electric blonde chirped fixing his hair.

"Uh, what were you doing?" Shouto asked removing a leaf from the tallers hair.

Kaminari chuckled as he scratched his neck awkwardly. "Wynnie, got stuck in my fake plant thingy." He replied.

"Dunce face make yourself look presentable we're going out to get food." Katsuki informed.

"Oh I'm guessing I also have no say in this. I'll be quick you guys can come in though." The male replied heading up his stairs that lead to his bedroom.

The other two stepped in soon being 'attacked' by a a cute furry snake with ears tiny paws and a tail, Kaminari's pet ferret of course and they were as excited as ever as they tried to scurry up Bakugou's leg. Finally, after a workout Wynnie managed to climb up to the humans shoulder claiming it like an astronaut's first step on the moon. The blonde extended his arm noticing Wynnie tempted to jump over to Shouto said male cupped his hands together at the others fingertips. Wynnie now given the signal to go scurried down the tallers arm and was soon cradled in Shoutos hands.

 Wynnie now given the signal to go scurried down the tallers arm and was soon cradled in Shoutos hands

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A/N: imagine there's 2 hands.. minus the tattoo but now I kind of wanna give him a tat look forward to that in the future lol.

The two cooed and played with Wynnie as time passed Kaminari had finally came back down casually dressed and ready. Out the door they went Kaminari being the last to leave was meant to be the one to close the door but could only stare at his ferret who stared back they never did like leaving each other especially when Wynnie had to be alone. Shouto and Katsuki finally catching on whispered to each other and when finally coming up with an idea the youngest of the group was first to speak.

"We could head over to Kat's place Chi is there he could look after Wynnie if ya want?" He suggested placing a hand on the electric blondes shoulder.

"But what if he tried to eat her?" Denki questioned his face filled with worry as he looked down at the peppermint male.

"He's not gonna eat him baka, but I respect your concern for Wynnie." Shouto assured him glancing at Wynnie in her owners hand moments later they found themselves saying their goodbyes to Chi and Wynnie Sosa still being asleep.

Shouto had promised his feline friend catnip and extra cuddle time which convinced the four legged creature to look after both creatures.


"Oh, God no."

"Too much information, Dunce face!"

"Hey, you were the ones who wanted the details!"

"I am way too sober for this." Shouto sighed earning a laugh from Kaminari and a snort from Katsuki.

The group continued their path it was becoming late noon now and Kaminari was leading the way down a rather empty street stores spaced out it was found as sus to the other two who tried to ignore the lurkers until suddenly they came to a stop.

"This is it!" The golden-eyed boy chirped a smile stretched from ear to ear.

There they stood in front of the group was a building not that large of one yet not too small it would be a homey size if it hadn't looked so run down wood crossed over windows to make X's. It looked like it had burned down yet was still together nothing about it seemed approachable it was like that one house your friends dared you to ding dong ditch when you were a child. An uneasy feeling filled Shouto and Katsuki as they glanced at each other then Kaminari.

"Did you bring us here to die?" Katsuki asked stepping on front of the peppermint male.

"Please, say no I have a child." The short male squeaked.

"It's about time you two caught on." Kaminari answered whipping around to face the two.

"I can't tell if you're being serious." The ash blonde responded.

"Guys chill this place is my Aunt's restaurant." Denki chuckled as he neared the door then swinging it open."You guys are open today right?!" He exclaimed as light seeped through the open door and onto the males behind him the inside was completely different from what they expected. It was a cosey place with creamy walls hanging lights and more the room filled with sweet fragrances.

"Hey, cus!" A women chirped coming from a different room she seemed around their age wearing a uniform with her name tag which read 'Jen'

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"Hey, cus!" A women chirped coming from a different room she seemed around their age wearing a uniform with her name tag which read 'Jen'. "You've brought friends, oh great what are your names?" She exclaimed basically throwing her cousin out of the way. The height difference now noticable she was maybe 1 or 2 inches shorter than Katsuki who was at least 6'3 Shouto being 5'7 felt slight annoyance ring inside of him he knew what was going to happen next. "Oh my God you're so small!" She exclaimed as her eyes landed on the two toned boy then her fingers on his cheeks giving them a fair pinch and a few pulls the now irritated skin began to turn a pink color contrasting against his pale skin. The contact was broken by Katsuki after he heard the boy whine from the pain his cheeks felt. Shouto nursed his sore cheeks as Jen spat apologies she surely was energetic.

"You're Shouto Todoroki, right? Nice to meet you call me Jen!" She said sticking out a hand for said male to shake he wad relieved that she used his name and not Endeavors son.

Her eyes then darted to the blonde her expression changing as she examined the male inche closer obliterating his personal space she hummed while her finger and thumb shaped a check mark holding her chin. "You look so familiar I know you I swear hmmmm..." their noses nearly touched and a slight ache filled Shoutos heart as he watched the little space they had decrease. "Aha!" She shouted springing back with a huge smile plastered on her face. "Katsuki Bakugou, the model nice to meet ya!" She chirped shaking his hand.

"Wow, okay Jen how about you go get Auntie Asami!" Kaminari pipped up finally able to pull himself off of the ground she had technically threw him.

He began to shove the rambling girl back through the door from which she came then she was gone off to get Auntie Asami as the electric blonde announced her. He nervously chuckled turning to his friends.

"Sorry about her guys she's a bit energetic." He said before leading them to a seat. "She means well though."

Lemme stop it here so I can figure out this story imma try to hit y'all w another chapter this week please don't eat me if I don't. I'm so disapointed in me and me also me and my mind this is so short I apologize.

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