Chapter 8

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Katsuki sat next to the dual male, tears ran down his pale cheeks irritating his eyes, but the boy couldn't find a way to stop them. Still, Shoto tried to wipe them away turning his head to hide his now red eyes away from the blonde. Bakugou placed a hand on the younger males shoulder giving it a gentle squeeze before letting it trail down to his back and give comforting rubs. It was somewhat calming to the scarred male, he sniffled tears still trickling down his cheeks he had stopped trying now. The vermillion eyed male gently pulled Todoroki into his embrace.

"We'll, Chi found his toy under my bed," The ash blonde informed, "What happened here?"

There was silence between the two as the younger tried to compose himself, he stammered out a few words they were slurred and didn't make much sense, finally he broke into another episode of sobs. Shoto placed a hand over his mouth attempting to muffle his cries. Chikako carefully approached his owner before snuggling into his arms. The two toned male placed his attention on the feline mustering a small smile as he nuzzled the creatures fluffy cheek. His sobs seized leaving tears that silently dripped down his cheeks. His smile faded as he tried once again to wipe away the warm liquid that oozed from his heterochromatic eyes, sniffling a few times as well. Bakugou placed Sosa beside the two before he took a stand, grabbing the pups and Shoto's attention Chi could only keep his on the peppermint boy. While they watched the blonde the feline began to wipe at his owners left over tears.

"Head to the truck, I'll be there inna bit," he said as he tossed Todoroki his keys.

Shoto glanced down at the keys then back to the blonde, who held a calm look their eyes doing the rest of the communicating. Hesitantly, the dual male rose from his previous spot, holding the two critters in each arm of his before making his way to the vehicle. He was quick to unlock the door and get in, tightening his embrace around the animals as his nerves began to spike.

Katsuki turned to the door he heard the footsteps coming from inside, so he sent the dual male off. He didn't flinch when the door opened revealing his green haired 'friend', Midoriya. His basil green eyes widened in shock at the presence of his childhood friend, he glanced behind the blonde his attention landing on Todoroki who tried examined the situation.

"Don't look at him, look at me, Jesus could come through and he wouldn't be able to help you." Bakugou said calmly, though his aura was seeping with anger.

"Kaccha-" Midoriya began before being interrupted.

"Deku I- Baku- Bakugou." Uraraka had a hand slightly tugging at Izuku's shirt though she herself was shirtless with only a bra covering her chest.

Katsuki glimpsed at Ochako and her messy state taking note of the love marks that trailed down her neck, around her shoulders, and on her chest. His face contorted into one of anger and disgust, now he knew what was going on. That untrustworthy cheating little shit. He thought to himself as his fist clenched. The brunette stepped back taking notice of the blondes shaking fist, that wasn't a good decision. Out of pure hatred that had built up over the years adding onto the current situation, Bakugou took a strike at the younger males face making sure to launch his attack with aggressive force and precise accuracy... inna smooth fashion. Midoriya hunched over a bit as he swiped at his now bleeding nose ignoring the painful protest it gave at being touched, he clenched his own fist. They were both muscular people, in fact all four of them were if they needed to fight they could hold their own, but Katsuki was always better than Izuku, he always came first place. There was no point in fighting the blonde even Midoriya himself knew he was in the wrong as did Ochako. Uraraka knew it would happen and didn't seem much baffled when the vermillion eyed male physically released some of his anger. Oh, how Katsuki was so tempted to beat his old 'friend' like no one was watching, but he knew he couldn't. It was late and after Shoto's little crying session he knew the male was tired and a nice warm bed would do him just right.

Ah, Shoto he watched the scene all unfold from the truck easily being able to predict everyone's next move, but he wasn't sure if his blonde would go full out and just pound the other male till the sun rose to tell him to stop. So, he rest a hand on the door handle prepared to hop out if he needed to stop Katsuki, and Chi he was ready to fight months ago. Messy humans, and he wanna fight? Unacceptable. Chi thought as he took notice of Midoriya's clenched fist, his fur peeking up. The group began to relax as the greenetts posture faltered and his fist undid.

"You're such a fucking  nuisance." Katsuki informed adding to the curse with a hint of irritation. He grumbled a few insults for Ochako before taking the door knob and slamming the door shut. A true gentleman.

The ride back was quiet, the atmosphere was thick, yet Shoto was too tired to care much for it which, in the end, thinned it out. Sosa and the dual haired male were silently sleeping 10 minutes into the ride back, Chi and Bakugou left awake. Upon arriving to a red light Chikako climbed onto the blondes lap, earning a few scratches in return. The male sighed before the light turned green and he continued the journey back to his house. Once they arrived, Katsuki had to carry Shoto who carried Sosa as they both were still asleep and Bakugou didn't want to wake either of them. He left the door unlocked when he left expecting not to be gone long so he didn't have to scramble for keys and entered with ease, the black feline followed behind. The blonde made his way upstairs allowing Chi in before him, the cat pulled back the covers for Shoto, Katsuki gentle placed him down on the bed. After changing and getting himself ready for bed Bakugou crawled over next to Todoroki trying his best not to wake the male who was laying on his left side facing the blonde. He seemed to be in a deep sleep yet the older was still cautious. Chi nipped at the skin at the back of Sosa's neck and dragged the sleepy pup over to the upper corner of the bed, he cuddled with the golden retriever who was still very much asleep. Katsuki turned towards Shoto gazing upon his relaxed features, having lost the pup in his arms the dual male gripped at Bakugou's skull shirt and nuzzled into his chest trying to find anything to cuddle with. The blonde softly glided his thumb over the heterochromatic males tear streaks that dried on his cheeks.

Chi did not get a bath that night. And yes, Katsuki did cuddle Shoto in their sleep.

This took a while my apologies.

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