Chapter 5

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The three walked out of the once sketchy cafe food in their bellies and fun on their mind. Kaminari and Katsuki together could only equal chaos it was up to Shouto to keep things under control though they still knew the fun he stored inside. As they finally exited the weird alley they had come through the boys found themselves on a familiar street. Shouto stepped in front of the two resting a hand on his hip.

"What do you guys wanna do?" He questioned glancing between the to giving subtle looks.

"Ugh, I'm in." Bakugou playfully said rolling his eyes then smiling a bit after.

"Oh mer gerd, Shouto fine." Kaminari teased as well.

Said male smiled softly before turning on his heels and leading the way.


Music played as laughing and chatter filled the room Shouto, Kaminari, and Katsuki sat together at the bar talking and sipping their alcohol beverages. To think the dual haired male suggested this, aren't people just full of surprises?

"Alright," the electric blonde began as he pulled a 20 out of his back pocket. "Shouto, if you can finish more shots than me then you get this 20." He said slapping the paper on the counter.

Todoroki smirked accepting the challenge as he placed a 20 of his own on the counter. "Fine, if I lose you get my money." He said.

"We're gonna need a bottle of Devils Spring Vodka and a some shot glasses!" Bakugou announced to the bar tender who was quick to fulfill the orders and even stayed to watch the competition ending up making a bet with the blonde.

After their shot glasses were filled 6 for each of them the challenge began after a quick count down for the most part they were in sync until they hit 3 Shouto took the lead careless of his liver he'd apologize later. The burning feeling of his throat soothed him in a weird way before he knew it all seven of his shots were gone and three pairs of eyes rest upon him all with raised brows and impressed looks.

"Done." He chimed taking both 20s and slipping them into his front pocket.

The bar tender handed off a 20 dollar bill to Katsuki who smirked sticking the money in his pocket. Shouto poured himself a glass of the left over Kamikaze he had been drinking on before now taking a few sips after. Kaminari took his time finishing the left over shots as the three began to talk again the bar tender hopped in sometimes getting a chuckle out of the group. They left after a fight broke out and things got more serious than they wanted to handle that night now again they walked down the streets of Japan making conversation as they went on. Katsuki had an arm wrapped around a drunk Shouto as a wasted Kaminari clung to the other side of the blonde. Who expected Katsuki to be the parent this time?

"I missed you guys so much." Kaminari spoke through slurred words earning a giggle from Shouto or maybe it was because he was drunk.

"Mhmm." Katsuki hummed slinging an arm around his shoulder steadying him more.

"You guys, you guys I love you guys." The off brand pikachu hiccuped as the three turned a corner leading to the ash blondes home.

Shouto was silent the whole trip only clinging to the taller male who had a hand unconsciously wrapped around his waist. A small smile rest upon his lips his cheeks painted a pink color from alcohol and possible embarrassment and/or joy he only seemed at peace with the world his attention only staying on the ground ahead of them. This motherfucker drunk yet high. The male actually seemed to be in his own world and when he was thrown back into reality he found himself leaning back on the inside of an couch arm with Chi cuddling up to his neck his knees pointed upward taking this moment he let slumber embrace him. Katsuki plopped down on the furniture handing Kaminari a water as the human pikachu nibbled on bread. The ash blonde scrolled through channels on his flat screen finally deciding that Boomerang was a good enough channel to put his friend to sleep unfortunately it seemed things were only going to take a slight turn. Sniffles from the drunk male caught the crimson eyed males attention he looked over to the other who had large hot tears leaking down his pink cheeks.

"You, uh good there bro?" He asked the weeping male while cautiously placing a hand on his slightly trembling shoulder.

"Do you think snakes are sad because they don't have arms? If I'm sad they must feel terrible!" The male exclaimed waking Shouto from his slumber.

"Huh, Kami what- why are you crying?" The male asked sleep still in his voice.

"Why can't snakes have arms?" The electric blonde sniffles turning to Shouto who had finally managed to sit up.

"Well, that's just how they were made they seem to be fine with it besides they can still do lots of cool things." The younger yawned trying to rub the sleep out of his eyes.

Kaminari stared unconvinced as tears slipped down his cheeks and his bottom lip stuck out a bit as his eyebrows remained furrowed. Sighing Katsuki placed a hand on the bright blonde strands of hair.

"They can spit venom and totally kill you." He began glancing at the dual male to continue.

"Right, and big snakes can swallow you whole."

"And squeeze the life outta ya."

"They can slither and slide up walls and trees."

"Snakes can shed their skin."

"They are pretty awesome." The pikachu rip off sniffled wiping away his tears.

"And deadly never forget." Katsuki added tapping Kaminaris shoulder before standing and heading to the kitchen grabbing another bottle of water and handing it to the now awoken Shouto.

Taking the bottle he gulped down half of it using his thumb to wipe away the liquid that missed his mouth. Screwing the cap back on he placed the prisoned water on the ground before leaning back onto the inside of the arm of the couch. From there on the night, well early morning, was blurry for the three males and when they had awoken it was nearly 1pm. Shouto was laying in a slight fetal position yet his body twisted a bit his head rest on his arms that lay on a pair of warm soft yet firm thighs while his lower body twist but for the most part curled up on Kaminaris lap. A series of meows caught the dual males attention as his furry black cat hopped onto the couch trying to find a good place to cuddle with his owner. Chuckling the peppermint shifted now laying on his back giving the creature access to his chest where he found it warm and soft enough to cuddle placing his head in the crook of Shouto's warm neck he stretched his paw out letting a yawn loose. With a content smile the Todoroki placed a hand on the black fur stroking it as he fought back sleep as well as ignoring the pain sprouting from his head hear comes the hangover.

A/N: this is kinda short my bad I just thought this was a good place to stop im gonna start working on the next chapter rn dw

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