Chapter 6

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"End my suffering!" Kaminari exclaimed throwing his arms around worsening Shoutos headache. The whinney blonde was sprawled out on the couch on the oposite side Shoto was laying on.

"How can you be so loud with a headache of your own?" The dual male questioned rubbing his temples.

Katsuki shook his head in disappointment as he handed the two a water bottle and a pill for each. "Maybe you two shouldn't have been so reckless." He scolded earning a slap to the arm from Todoroki.

"We were having fun! You didn't seem to care enough to stop us, didn't you place a bet as well?" The younger cocked a brow at the blonde who rubbed his neck with a nervous chuckle.

"Thanks, for the cash?" The crimson eyed male replied.

Shoto huffed. "You're welcome."

Chi pranced into the living room with Wynnie and Sosa on her trail like baby ducks following their mama. The three broke off heading to their owners filled with glee as they nuzzled into their humans. The peppermint look alike chuckled at the cats affection scratching his sweet spot earning purrs from the precious feline. Wynnie playfully hopped from lap to lap Kaminari to Shoto while Sosa found a cozy home in Katsukis arms. After being reminded by the ash blonde to take their pills and doing as told they were faced with deciding breakfast.

"Whaddya wanna eat?" The crimson eyed male asked from the kitchen raising his voice a bit so they could hear him.

"French toast?" Denki called back.

"Icyhot?" Bakugou rose a brow looking back into the living room.

"Tomato soup?" The two toned male replied smiling softly when Chi perked up at the name. He began to paw at his owners cheek softly purring and meowing while his pupils held desire in them. "Yes baby you'll get some too," Shoto chuckled speaking in a sweet tone. "But you'll have to wait." He added.

Patience seemed non-existent to the cat as he hopped off of the dual male landing on the floor effortlessly heading over to the kitchen where Katsuki had Sosa in his arms the golden retriever rest his head on the ash blondes shoulder. Prancing around the two greed dripped from the flowing meows that came from the cat as he watched the
vermillion eyed male pop open a can of tomato soup. Sighing Shoto rose from the couch ignoring his spliting headache going off to fetch Chikako. Katsuki held the can top to the feline who happily held the tail in his mouth turning to his owner when he felt warm arms loop around him lifting him into the air and cuddled to the dual males chest. Placing the creature on the counter before going off to quickly wash his hands and drying them Shoto returns to his feline friend taking the can top then sliding his finger on the left over tomato soup finally allowing Chikako to lick it of. Tomato soup is Chi's favorite and will only begin to eat when fed oh how animals have us wrapped around their stubby lil creature hands.

. . .

Shoto sighed placing his dish in the sink saying his last goodbye as Kaminari said his own with Wynnie resting on his shoulder then stepping out and closing the front door heading to his own home. It was around 9pm and it was about time for Chikako to have a bath. Just when the dual male turned on the faucet a blonde was on his feet and hovering over the peppermint.

"You're not gonna wash that, right?" He questioned knowing the answer better be no as he turned off the sink.

"I would like to." The shorter remarked with a bit of sass turning the sink on once more.

"You're the guest you're not washing shit."


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