Chapter 1

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It was cold outdoors and the wind blowing wasn't helping anyone's case. Parents still played with their children outside bundled up in warm clothes though it was getting dark. Stores began to close for the day as people started their walk or ride home to their friends, family, lovers, or even just warmth. The case was different for Shouto. Today had been stressful dealing with his father, and visiting his mother, brother, and sister helping Momo and Jirou move in together. The wind made Shouto shiver he definitely wasn't dressed for the weather having only a slightly oversized sweater, and biker shorts on. If the male was being honest he didn't even want to go home to the house he shares with Izuku. Midoriya had changed quite a bit Shouto wasn't even sure the green haired boy still loved him anymore. The feeling of losing Midoriya, and with what's going on in the peppermints life only made his mental state spiral downward. He wasn't in the best place mentally he hadn't been feeding himself like he should, hadn't talked nor hung out with close friends often it took some persuading to get him to help Momo, and Jirou the two love birds. Shouto spent most of his time either having an anxiety attack, crying, getting the brakes beat off him, and more unhealthy things. Upon arriving to his front his home the red and white haired boy opened his door. It was unlocked. He already knew what was going to happen as he enters the home he was instantly questioned by his boyfriend.

"Where were you? You're home later then usual. " The fluffy greenutte asked.

"Izuku, I was just helping Momo and Jirou move in and finish setting up the house they've got a pretty big one." Shouto responded sincerely as he made his way to the stairs that lead to their shared bedroom before he was stopped by hands placed on his waist.

Midoriya pulled Shouto from the steps swiftly turning the shorter towards himself and pressed their bodies together. In another swift move he picked the peppermint up causing him to wrap his legs around the tallers waist as a gasp escaped his lips. Izuku kissed and sucked at the youngers neck as he walked up the stairs with ease. Shouto began to plead for the other to stop he was too tired for this and this is all the taller seemed to be interested in. Sex and his body it really did mess with the younger this is why he'd prefer not to come here, though he couldn't go to his real home endeavor was just the same when he's drunk which is all the time. Shouto felt as if he couldn't escape the negativity in this world, no he knew there was no escape yet he still tried which seemed to offend reality as it would always fire back harder than necessary. Once arriving to the room the freckled male placed the shorter on the bed as he began to unbuckle his pants. Shouto grew even more tired just from imagining how much energy it would take to have unwanted sex.

"Midoriya, please I can't tonight I'm really really tired." He pleaded. Hm last name.

Midoriya proceeded to kiss his lovers lips as he pulled his pants off completely. Shouto dreaded what Midoriya had planned.

"Then you'll sleep good tonight." He whispered into the youngers ear in a seducing way, but not enough for the peppermint.

Shouto silenced himself he was exhausted and just needed to get this over with. For the next 2 hours Izuku had his way with the younger having 3 rounds it was nearly 3am and they were knocked out. Shouto began to toss and turn in his sleep until eventually he had risen from his slumber for his dream had began to form into a night terror. Shouto checked his phone that was placed on the night stand on his side of the bed with the charger connected. Checking the time he found it to be 2:57am he also noticed his phone on 100%. He left his bed quietly putting on an over sized sweater and some shorts then taking his phone with him, and a grey stuffed bunny given to him by his mother as a child he headed down the stairs to his living room. The male sat down on his couch curled up and leaning on the arm after turning on a lamp or two as his cat Chikako meaning child of wisdom and to Shouto he is a wise cat using his 9 lives carefully. The furry creature hopped onto the furniture finding a seat next to his human he began to nuzzle up to Shouto sensing the negative emotion built up inside the peppermint. Shouto sometimes only ever felt like Chikako cares for him. He began to sob silently as the kind creature tried to comfort him. Chikako placed kitty licks all over his owners face causing Shouto to cuddle up to the cat placing his face into its black fluffy fur. Hours passed on like this soon it was 7am and Shouto had made breakfast for his 'lover' before he grabbed some clothes to wash up. His loyal kitty wouldn't leave his side so he walked around the bathroom waiting for his owner to get out. 20 minutes passed when Shouto finally exited the shower with a towel wrapped around his chest and stopping mid thigh. His fluffy companion meowed annoyed at how long he took to shower.

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