Logans perspective

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~5 five years later~
I moved to New York 4 years ago when my father died . He had been sick for a while and had decided that he was dying and handed over everything to me before he died . During that time Odette and I decided to postpone the wedding against my fathers wishes . He wanted us to move forward with the ceremony but it didn't feel right and I was extremely busy trying to end my business in London to prepare to move to New York and Odette didn't want our wedding date to be near a funeral date . Once my dad died Odette and I moved together to New York and stayed like that for a little over a year before ultimately ending the engagement. After my dad was gone , life seemed to short to spend it with someone I didn't even love . I also stopped feeling the pressure to marry her now that he was gone . After that happened , I wanted to go to rory . I did I really did , but I never got the courage do so . I drove to Hartford once in a while and contemplated going further , to stars hollow . I never did though . It had been a while what if she had moved on . I didn't think i could take being hurt one more time . But once i heard rory was coming to New York for the release of her second book , which i was very proud of her for becoming a New York Times best selling author , i knew it was his chance to finally rekindle his love with Rory . I was ready to fight for her .

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