Chapter 4

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Rory had forgotten that she was there , up until that point . Logan had that affect on her . She always seemed to forget about everything when she was around him . But now she was knocked back into reality . She realized that logan had clearly met lily . Panic set in as thoughts raced across her mind ' did he know ? Did he figure it ? Is he angry ? He doesn't seem angry ? Should I tell him ? What do I do know ? THOS WASN'T SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN LIKE THIS . AAAAAGGGHHHHH' she thought .
Logan picked up on her worried expression, her nervous anxious expression.' Why ' he thought . 'Everything was fine a minute ago' then suddenly it all clicked when ....

" you know my mom ?" asked lily . Logan looked down and quickly ran through his and conversation with her when he remembered what she had said about her hair being like her dads and how she pointed out it was like his too . And that thing she said about being stubborn like her dad 'could it be. No right ?' he thought.

" um yeah we went to college together?"
" Ohhh. Your the guy in the pictures my mom has from college " Logan laughed
"Yep that's me "
Rory still trying to calm herself down said nothing
" hey um what was your name " he asked
"Lily , lily Gilmore " she said with a smile that made him smile .
" so lily how old are you ?"
" I'm four " lily said in a proud tone

'Four years ' he thought ' that would match up with the time line ' ' could she REALLY be HIS DAUGHTER' he thought before asking the question that would definitely give him his answer ....
" and when's your birthday ?"
Rory looked at Logan .
"It's-...." she was interrupted by Rory
" hey sweetie why don't you go with Edgar " Edgar was her manager that set up these events for her . He always made lily laugh too.
"Okay ...bye logan " she waved at Logan and ran towards Edgar who was talking to the store owner .
"Bye lily" he said before he turned to rory with a slight glare and anxious look in his eyes .
" can I talk to you in the storage room " rory asked nervously.
Logan just followed her to the back of the store and into the storage room where all the books where stored .
" look logan I-" she was caught off
" is she mine?" Asked logan straight to the point . Rory was taken a back from this as she didn't think he'd be so forward.
She didn't answer .
" rory is she my daughter?!"
Still no answer
"IS SHE ?!"
"yes.." said rory , ashamed because she had kept this secret from him.
Logan stares at Rory . He had been so excited this morning to see rory for the first time in years , ask her out , and tell her it had always been her that he had never forgotten her and never wanted to let go of her . But now standing here looking at her he couldn't recognize her . The women he loved couldn't keep his child from him . Could she ?
"Logan I-" rory said tearfully before she was caught off .
"Why ? WHY DID YOU ?"
"HOW LONG WHERR YOU GOING TO KEEP THIS FROM ME ? WHERE YOU EVER EVEN GOING TO TELL ME ?" Logan stared at rory intensely . He had never been so angry at her . He almost felt resentment towards her .
Rory was quiet .
"I would of been there for you and for her!!!!....
and now I've missed four years of MY OWN DAUGHTERS LIFE "
Rory couldn't take the yelling anymore

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