Chapter 6

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Rory let go and wiped her tears away .
" I know I've already taken so much time away from you that you'll never get back , but please give me time to tell her . You can hangout with her and spend time with her in the meantime , but please I beg of you don't tell her ."
Logan hesitated but nodded
" when do you think you'll tell her "
" maybe a day or two . I promise "
Logan looked down
"Look we have a lot to talk about and a lot of details to sort out but for right now do you want to come with us for lunch ?" Asked rory
Logan looked up and smiled
" I'd love that "

They went back out into the store . Luckily the room they were in was made of cement and in the far far back of the store so no one heard them , especially lily .

Lily ran up to them
" Mooom I'm hungry " Logan looked at his daughter and somehow she had become more beautiful and special in the last 20 minutes . He just stared at her and smiled .
"Okay sweetie, we're going to go have lunch now .. and um Logan's coming too " her eyes lit up and she smiled
" YAAYY!!" Rory laughed . Logan never felt happier. His heart could of nearly exploded from hearing his daughter celebrate his presence at lunch . He had just met her but he never wanted to leave her side again .

They walked to a very nice cafe nearby  . They laughed and talked the entire way there .

Once they were there logan sat down and Rory sat across from him , but what made Logan's heart nearly explode was that lily chose to sit next to him . This entire day seemed surreal to him . He started it of by trying to figure out a way to win back rory , which he still planned on pursuing but it had to wait , and it ended with him finding out about his daughter and it only kept getting better .

Rory could see that logan was head over heels in love with lily already . She watched as lily talked logan up . Logan didn't seem to mind though he seemed to enjoy it . She already knew what he was thinking 'she's definitely a Gilmore girl.'

The waiter came to our table and took our orders .
" I want a cheeseburger , fries , and a chocolate milkshake with two cherries " she held up two fingers to show the waiter .
The waiter smiled . Logan stares at his child falling in love with her over and over again . 'She has her mothers appetite but clearly has the assertiveness of a  Huntzberger' he thought .
"I'll have the same " rory said
" and I'll have a salad " logan said with little laugh and a smile . Both lily and Rory turned  towards him and shook their heads in disapproval. Logan smiled . He just couldn't stop smiling.
Their food came and they talked some more , then someone came up to there table .
" well if it isn't Logan Huntzburger" said Paris in her intimidating voice that she used to sound more authoritative. She turned to lily "hey sweetie why don't you go with London she's over there by our table "
"Yaay!!!"  Lily got up and ran towards her cousin London who was the same age as her . Paris and Doyle made up while rory was in her early stages of pregnancy and had another daughter who was Lily's best friend .
Once lily was out of earshot Paris sat down next to rory .
" so have you told him yes or no " Paris whispered to rory .
" yes he knows " rory whispered back
" when did this happen and why wasn't I informed " she whispered
" well it happened about an hour ago and it all happens so fast I forgot to send you my hourly update on my life " rory said sarcastically.
"Hmm that's not a bad idea I'll have to take note of that , "
" Anyway , now I'm free to set some  ground rules" Paris said out loud sitting up straight.
" okay listen here Huntzburger I'm going to say this once and only once ...Number 1. You will not hurt that little girl or I will rain down he'll on you . Number 2.  You will not be going in and out of her life like some circus fool . And Number 3 . You WILL NOT UNDR ANY CIRCUMSTANCES GET MAD AT RORY FOR DOING WHAT SHE HAD TO DO TO ENSURE THAT BABY HAD A GOOD LIFE . " Paris was slowly standing up and leaning across the table pointing a finger in Logan's face and was practically yelling while she was saying all of this . People  were starting to stare at her . Luckily it was only a few people .
Rory grabbed Paris and sat her back down .
" Do I make myself clear "
"Yes Paris you make yourself very clear and you'll be happy to know I will not be doing any of those things  and never intended to ."
" Very Well " Paris turned to rory
" Rory congratulations on your book I always knew you could do it" Paris said in an up neat tone and noodles at rory while offering rory a firm handshake .
" Thank you , Paris " rory returned the smile and nod as well as the firm handshake.
Paris stood up .
" We're going to go to the history museum and then " Paris took a deep breath and sighed " the candy store , which I can assure you was not my idea but Doyle and the kids seemed to really like it so thats where we're headed , and I can see you two need to talk so I can take lily for the day while you two catch up "
"Uh I- " rory looked at Logan and Logan nodded. " yeah thank you Paris "
"Okay then rory I'll see you later ," she smiled "Huntzberger" she said in a monotone voice and nodded . Then she walked away .

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2020 ⏰

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