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Yujin walked to her locker, placing her books in it. "Yujin ah, I'll be in the cafeteria waiting for you." You hummed in response as she walked off.

A few lockers away stood jungwon. He was with his friends, waiting for sunoo who was also packing stuff into his locker.

As soon as he heard the name yujin being called out, he turned to the direction the voice came from.

"Yujin?" He said softly.

"Ugh, there's so many yujins', it could be anyone." He shook of the thoughts, and proceeded to talk with his friends.


lmao I heard someone say yujin and
I kept thinking of you

wow already thinking of me-

well ik only one yujin
and that's you
so I thought of you straight away :)

Yujin felt her cheeks heat up as she read the message.

"Yujin, you never get off your phone. Talk to mee." Eunbi shook your body.

"I don't want to talk." Yujin straight up said.

"Yea, says the one talking non stop to this jungwon guy, introverted much." Eunbi went back to eating her lunch as yujin continued talking to jungwon.

Jungwon's attention was now at the direction he heard his name being called. "Did someone say my name...?"

"Jungwon ah, don't be so introverted and talk to us instead of looking at your phone all the time." Jay said firmly.

"He's talking to that girl again." Heeseung said as he ate some rice.

"Jungwon is what-" sunghoon looked at jungwon who was now back to texting.

anyway can i ask you a question

yea sure what is it

um actually nvm

Jungwon placed his phone away and started to eat.

"So what's this girl's name." Sunoo asked, curious.

"It's none of your busi-" jungwon got cut off by heeseung saying, "I think it's like yujin or something. I saw his messages the other day."

"Ooooh, yujin. Jungwon. Yujin and jungwon. Sounds nice to me." Ni-ki said with an innocent tone.

"Yea yujin." Jungwon's smile could be clearly seen as he said the name, yujin.

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