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Jungwon soon arrived at the place eunbi told to meet. As he neared the exact spot, he spotted eunbi.

"Eunbi let me guess?" She nodded her head, eyeing jungwon.

"Wait hold on, you're that guy- why the hell do you look so familiar." Eunbi just continued to eye jungwon.

"Uh ok whatever."

"Eunbi?" Eunbi jumped from the sudden voice.

She turned around and it was yujin...? She seemed ok, she didn't look hurt or anything.

"YUJIN!" Eunbi rushed to her side.

"Wait what's happening." Yujin asked eunbi.

"Well I'm here with ju-"

"Yujin? Omg you're alright, where've you been? I've been trying to contact you for two days." Jungwon stopped talking as soon as eunbi looked at jungwon weirdly.

"What...BRO OF COURSE I'M WORRIED, I'M HER FRIEND." Ok maybe jungwon fucked up.

"Yea, friends care for each other..." yujin looked away from jungwon.

"Wait I meant like, uh yea I care for you, obviously." Jungwon scratched his nape awkwardly.

"Dude I think you messed up big time." Jungwon heard eunbi whisper to you.

Jungwon mouth 'shut up bro' while eunbi just laughed.

"Anyway, why are you here..." jungwon asked, turning the focus back to yujin.

"O-oh, um, I just thought I'd come by you know." Yujin lied.

"Yujin, you didn't go there right?" Eunbi asked, obviously concerned.

"Well I just walked by, that's all, I didn't even see him." Eunbi and yujin exchanged short conversations while jungwon stood there, looking at them, back and forth.

"Wait what do you mean, him. Who are we even tallking about."

Eunbi opened her mouth, about to speak but yujin covered it. "It's nothing. I promise."

"Are you serious yujin, it's freaking byeong we're talking about here, what do you mean nothing." Eunbi was able to get out of yujin's grip.

Being 100% honest, yujin didn't even want to hear the word, byeong.

"Eunbi just stop please."

"Stop? Yujin, byeong has done too much to mean nothing."

"You haven't told me who this dude is." Jungwon looked at them, his tongue touching the inside of his mouth.

"No it's fine, I don't want you to worry. I think I've made you worry enough already..." yujin said, sounding guilty.

Jungwon took yujin's hand, rubbed it with his thumb gently.

"Please?" Jungwon said in a soft, gentle voice.

Yujin just hated the thought of what byeong did to her, not just her but her family too. She couldn't resist it, a tear slipped down her cheek.

Jungwon noticed and pulled her body closer, going down to her level, wiping the tears away.

"Hey hey, it's ok if you don't want to tell me ok?" He said in a reassuring tone.

Yujin nodded her head.

"Uh, I'm still here?" Eunbi stood there awkwardly. "Ok anyway, let's just go back home, it's not safe around here."

(a/n: bye what am I even writing anymore 🙆🏻‍♀️)

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