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"so...you and jungwon are together now?" Yujin choked on air when those words slipped out off eunbi's mouth. "No?"

"But I saw you guys..." yujin's head snapped towards eunbi's direction. "kiss..."

"Eunbi was there!?" Yujin basically yelled in her head. "Uh are you ok? Hallucinating or some-"

"Hey yujin!" Yujin heard a familiar voice said. Jungwon took a seat next to her and puts his hands under his thighs. (Guy sits in tiny 😔💔)

"Oh hey..." her mind drifted back to last night, "fuck...ugh yujin just act normal."

The whole day jungwon acted like that never happened, or he just didn't mind it at all. Yujim looked at her phone, taking a quick glance at the time. "Well, I'll go now it's getting late." Jungwon and eunbi hummed in response.

She stands from her seat and starts to walk to the direction where the bus stop is. "Wait yujin!" Yujin turned around to see jungwon jogging to her. "Can you meet me at that arcade tomorrow morning?" She nodded her head and jungwon smiled. "Ok! I'll see you there." He waved and smile, of course showing his dimples. Yujin giggled to herself, the sight of his dimples just brought her back to the day she fell in love with him because of his dimples.

next day

Yujin slowly walks to the arcade jungwon told her to meet. As she entered, it was empty. "Strange...isn't it the weekend?" She questioned. As she walked further in, she sits down and waits for jungwon.

"Boo!" She slightly jumps and afterwards, all she heard was jungwon's laugh."

"I swear, your just like my little brother." As usual, he smiles. "Anyway, why'd you bring me here?"

"Oh right!" Yujin sees him take a small pouch from his pocket and he proceeds to say, "well actually , I asked you to come here just for one thing." You looked at him, paying close attention to whatever he has to say.

"Since the arcade was the first place we had fun together, I thought I'd bring you here and since you like this place a lot to," he paused and slowly takes out something from the pouch, "so all I'm asking is, will you be my...girlfriend...?" He stuttered at the end.

Yujin smiled, "of course!" She sits closer to him and wrapped her arms around his body. Jungwon's eyes immediately lit up and he quickly puts on the bracelet on yujin's wrist. "Oh my gosh, this is so pretty! How much was this?" Yujin blurted out. "It!s fine, as long as it's worth it."

Yujin admires the bracelet, with butterflies on them. "I knew you liked butterflies so once I saw it, I knew you would love it." Yujin's mouth opened in amazement. "You really didn't have to...I love you so much!"

"W-what?" Pink appeared on his cheeks. Yujin chuckled, "you heard it."

"I love you too!"

kyusverse thanks you for reading this book. You have reached the end.

Hello !! It's been almost a month since I've update and I do apologise! Anyway, tysm for 3k read !! I really don't deserve this,,, but I'm really thankful! I'm currently writing another story and I hope you would take the time to read it! Again, tysm for supporting this book !!

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