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oh you're there already haha uh

iS smth wrong-

"Yea, I'm in love with you jungwon, but your heart belongs to someone else..." She said, only soft enough for herself to hear.

can we call plsss
ik it may be awkward but
i js want to

yea ofc
you want my number?

yea ig :)

ok here


Yujin keyed jungwon's number in and added him as a contact.

"Jungwon." She named it.

Hey wonnie


Uh pretend i never said that-

Jungwon chuckled. "She's so cutee."

"Damn, you're literally in love." Ni-ki said, moving his hands when he said, in love.

Jungwon gently pushed him away. "Yea yea, now go."

um well

incoming video call from yujin
>answer< decline

"O-oh, hi..." she stuttered.

"So, you called me for what..?" Jungwon asked.

"well I don't know, so we can talk more..? I really want to hang out more, you're a really fun person to be with." She smiled as she said that.

"Oh really? I'm fun." He covered his mouth with his hand.

"Of course! Legit, you're actually so funny sometimes."

"So I'm only funny sometimes." Jungwon pouted.

"No! You're funny in general." Yujin laughed.

The both of them ended up calling each other for a good two hours. They didn't notice the time flying by. They were too distracted at talking, laughing with each other.

"Anyway, why the sudden asking for my number?"

"Well actually, eunbi told me to talk with you..."


"Yea, eunbi, my close friend!"

"Ah, ok."

"Enough about me, now you!" Yujin looked at jungwon through the screen, with stars in her eyes.

"What about me do you wanna know." He said.

"Hmm, I don't know but..." yujin thought of what to say. She let out a gasp. "Omg, what about the girl you like."

"Do you really want me to talk about her with you?" Jungwon does like yujin but, he's still waiting for the right time to tell her.

"Yea...don't worry about me. As long as your happy." Yujin mumbled the last sentence.

"As long...sorry I didn't hear that."

"Oh, it's nothing don't worry." Yujin brought her legs to her body and wrapped her arms around her legs.

"Is she sad?" Jungwon thought to himself. Seeing yujin like this wasn't a good sight to see.

"Do you wanna rest yujin, you seem a bit down?"

Yujin snapped back into reality.

"O-oh, yea I should, I'll text you tomorrow!" She ended the call with her usual eye smile.

Jungwon looked at the screen the blank screen.

"Hyung." He tapped heeseung's wrist.

He hummed in response.

"I need and really want to tell her bu-"

"You don't know how?" Heeseung said exactly what jungwon wanted to say.

"Well, yea. Not gonna lie, I don't wanna see someone like her look down." Jungwon let out a deep breath.

"Yes, I know I'm literally in a love with her, but not only that, she is literally one of the brightest person I know. She may not be to you, but she's like that with people she's close with, I can't afford to see her smile disappear." Jungwon sounded so desperate.

"Dude listen, just do what you want, if you really love her, and care for her and your feelings for her are true, go to her." Jungwon threw is head back.

"If you don't tell her, I'll tell her."

"Or I'll go get her before you." Sunghoon came out of god knows where.

Heeseung pushed sunghoon away playfully.

"Shut up bro." Heeseung said.

Sunghoon smiled, "chill I won't, she's all yours."

(a/n: ok but fr tho, do yall actually enjoy this book, cos yes, ik it's boring asf but i promise it'll get better!)

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