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Yujin entered her bedroom, jungwon followed her closely. Their hands have been intertwined the whole way.

"I feel like a third wheel now." Eunbi commented.

Jungwon and yujin both ignored her.

"This is literally what I mean when I said yujin left me for you." Eunbi snapped to jungwon.

"Uh I guess you can take a rest if you want to." Jungwon smiled while yujin melted at the sight of him smiling.

"Yea I will, thanks." Jungwon nodded his head and exited yujin's room, eunbi exiting a few minutes later.

"ight, what happened with the both of you." Eunbi questioned jungwon. He took a seat on the sofa while eunbi did the same.

"What do you mean?"

"I thought just friends, yea friends my foot." Eunbi rolled her eyes.

"Yea we are..."

Eunbi just gave him the 'are you serious' look.

"It's just...complicated." He said.

"In what way? Dude just tell me everything, I guess I can try to fix it."

"I don't even know what's happening, even I'm confused," Jungwon fiddled with his fingers. "I just feel she's trying to throw her feelings for me out the window ever since she found out the boy she likes is the boy she's been texting, she doesn't know that the girl I've been telling her about, is her."

"Wait, her? Ugh, she's been telling me how she's trying to forget about her feelings for you!"

"Yea cool, but I really don't know how to tell her..." jungwon sounded so, sad? Whatever, you could clearly hear the sadness in his voice.

"I'll help." Eunbi said, being straightforward.

Jungwon turned to eunbi, "you will?"

She nodded her head, "of course! Yujin hasn't been feeling herself in a while, if doing this makes the both of you happy, I'll help."

"Wow, you're nicer than I thought." Jungwon joked. Eunbi hit his head.

"I swear the god, what did yujin tell you about me." Jungwon laughed it off.

A sound came from yujin's bedroom, revealing yujin walking out.

"Hey..." Yujin said.

"Bruh you rested for like, 5 minutes." Eunbi said to yujin.

"Ok first that was like 10 minutes, and I don't know why I need to rest and I came out because I heard yall talking." Yujin spat at eunbi.

"Ok I guess- anyway uh any news about byeong or whatever?" Eunbi curiously asked.

"Ugh, no and I don't want to hear from him." Yujin responded.

"So...." all eyes turn to jungwon, "you still haven't told me about this dude."

Eunbi mouth a long, "ohhh" while yujin remained silent. There was silence for a while until eunbi started talking.

"Honestly, you don't need to know, just be careful."

Jungwon hesitatingly nodded his head. "Yea sure...." jungwon looked down onto his feet. "I'll have to find out either way right?"

(a/n): hey...uh sorry for not updating in so long and even updating with such a short chapter. I know a few of yall really want updates and im so sorry for slow and short updates, dkdkkss. anyw, en- debut. I PREORDERED BOTH VERSIONS SKDKSKKDS. I dont think i'll enter the raffle for fansign cos ik im gonna be really busy especially in november-

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