Chapter 18

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The music of destruction blasts over the tumult.

Dark, dense smoke emanates in the air in thick wisps, curling above the dispersing crowd–almost like ants running away from heavy drops of rain. Everyone's screaming, their voices rising in the highest pitch of fear. They're panicking. Begging for their lives to be spared. Although I could have thrown the grenade at the mountains of living flesh in front of me, my gentle heart and soft conscience made sure to secure a safe place for the explosion.

The turmoil of emotions is erupting louder than ever that the guards immediately lay their hands into the situation in an attempt to seize the tension, but yields no fruit. Huge waves of flames quickly creep on the fabrics of the tents, turning the mortal world into a tremulous, terrifying, realistic embodiment of hell. Their harsh pleading and tormented outcries are too severe for my ears to handle. I cannot make any head or tail out of the matter. The whole scenario is nothing but chaos.

For some reason Chester probably knows who caused that explosion and so he uses it as an opportunity to meet me amidst the cluttered mass of frenzied citizens.

"I thought we're aiming for distraction and not destruction?" he says, catching his breath while closing his distance. "I was actually hoping for a good fist fight with you, bruv. Too bad we had to change plans."

"You're too far. We won't be able to pull it off, man." I say, sharp and quick.

"Understood. Now come on! We have to hurry!"

Every second is very essential for our success therefore we both didn't wait any longer before swiftly running across the gates where the airbournes are stationed. Away from the crowd which has been now berserk with shrieks and clamours of agony and confusion.

"Bro, shit..." I say and hold my arms out to keep him from running farther.

Despite the ruckus happening back there, the mini celebration inside our head at the thought of successfully outsmarting them is completely useless. Looks like they're actually utilizing their ability to think this time. They actually left a good number of guards to keep watch of the vehicles.

Unable to assault the five remaining lookouts, both Chester and I are forced to temporarily take shelter behind the bushes until we chance upon even the tiniest opportunity to sneak in. The other spectres might be hiding somewhere nearby as well. Stranded, like us.

"Hey, look over there!" Chester purses his lips in an effort to point out something in the air. I trace its trail and catch a sight of a drone with a different structure than the police ones that I usually see. It's slightly bulkier and has a circular base which makes it look like a floating bowling ball, mounted with mechanical insectoid propellers. 

The odd-looking drone smoothly flies across the place and land on top of the only tent that hasn't caught a single sign of fire yet. It sets itself in place for a good three seconds before emitting which seems to be an almost invisible field around it. An electromagnetic explosion perhaps. The impact isn't clearly visible from afar but it can be felt. It must have carried an immense charged power to shut off and pull the entire squad of police drones down on the ground, causing it to free fall like a dead leaf. Light and lifeless.

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