Havoc In Harlem

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Arden's POV
Harlem, Manhattan

The strong sulfur scent reached my nose, my eyes scanned over the distance. The clouds leaked fresh ashes from the heavens, each small flakes licked over my clothes and slightly stuck in my hair. "This isn't the sunny skylines I was promised in the brochure" My hands rested on my hips and I sighed.

Letting hands fall to my sides, I started jogging in the direction of the intense heat source that was a hellfire castle. The structure of the building seemed like it dug itself out of the ground, sending burning debris throughout the sky. Only to come crashing down into the city like a meteor.

Causing quakes and explosions. "People have no regard for noise violations in a neighbourhood... What has the world come to?" I wondered nonchalantly as I ran across the side of a building.

Kicking into the air, using Fury to swing from a light post. I performed a stylish flip over a gap that held a deep river of magma that ran from the castle.

I landed gracefully in the other side of the road. Using Fury to pulled an unsuspecting Empusa into a bigger demon of the same variety.

The demon lurched to life. Swing it's claws at the smaller demon. I stepped out of the way as a screaming and slashed up Empusa was thrown into the lava stream behind me.

The massive bug screeched, it stood around nine or so feet tall and had armor like shell hide.

The massive claws dropped with demon blood and the insectoid form only made me cringe in disgust. The Empusa Queen, "Quite the tyrant... Wielding with an iron fist- Claw... Tell me, do all you bugs types scream like a horrible horror movie blonde or is it just you?"

The hulking mass stampede towards me, it's claws swiping away at everything in its path. Using my Juggernaut abilities. I took the kinetic energy. Blocking each attack with ease.

Eventually, it performed a slam attack. Which I responded with a Charlatan teleport. Appearing in its face. I equipped Meta in Greatsword form, performing an Aerial Rave.

Into a helm splitter, as I landed. I rolled, taking a few shots with Order and Chaos.

When the queen recognised my speed, it leaped into the air. I witnessed as it plummeted into the ground where I stood.

"Not so fast" Using the force of its fall and my strength. I spun, slashing upwards. My blade carved along the arm and claw.

Slicing through the socket where the insect claw arm resided. The arm was sent over the edge into the lava.

Slipping under the creature, I reached the ass end of the insect. Slashing rapidly at the monster. Taking heavy damage.

Performing a Dance Macabre, ending the three final swings witj increased power. "One!" I slashed. "Two!" Another slash.

I then moved my blade into a baseball bat position. The metallic blade glowed with purple and black energy. "Finish!" I slashed one last time, creating an explosion. The force sending the demon into the heat death below.

"Now that look suits you better" I said playfully as I placed my blade on my back, listening to the slow sizzle of the Demon's spar day in the magma.

Turning around, I caught a better view of the castle. I had gotten closer. Looking to the side, there was a crumpled side of the building. Using my strength I leaped into the air, into the fourth floor.

Quickly moving to a window, seeing the castle in all its hellish glory. "Well, would you look a that? Somebody better bring the marshmellows because somebody brought the fire" I said with a cheeky smirk. Where I stood, I could could see an ash cloud so thick it created a dense smog that made the sun look like the moon. Like all the heat from the sun has been dispersed throughout the cloud.

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