Restoration Of What Was...

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I came plummeting down from the heavens. The wind on my face and a smile expresed to the world. There is nothing like saving the world from destruction. It's like a bubble of excitement just waiting to pop and unleashed onto the world. 

With a swift flip, I slid down the side of a toppled building, leaping into the air, noticing no Demon presence in the area. Taking a glance back, I saw the Demon Tower vibrating, as well as the destruction from before changing from what was into something different.

The streets were filled with cas once more, the people stepped into the light, only to be altered by an outside force. 

The power of the Demon Tower...

The reason why Teme-Ni-Gru was never reported to the public eye was because when a demon tower disappears via exposure to a powerful force, those who don't directly have a personal contact with Demons will forget and alter. 

Demons remain unaffected and sent back to hell and since I'm half human, I stay in the Human World. If the Island wasn't surrounded by the barrier, it would've probably been reported. An entire city as big as New York wouldn't go unnoticed if it disappeared. 

Landing on the ground, Adamantine shifted into the bracelets that I wear in public, hiding the blades on my back. 

The world around me was in between changing but something was stopping the complete shift. Unsheathing The Yamato, I created a Portal to the very top of the Demon Tower. Stepping through, I saw the open space that I could sense the power of both Mundus and Sparda within. 

Closing this would take nothing short of a miracle. Looking at the blade of my brother, I sighed. "One more time" I shifted into a stance, my posture strong, ready and focused. I unleashed the full power of The Yamato upon the power of All of Mundus and fragments of Sparda. 

Slicing through space to close the portal took a toll on the weapon and once I finished unleashing a flurry of attacks, I sheathed the blade one final time...

That's when I felt the feeling of the blade shattering into three pieces...

The blade faded from the space it was in, crumbling to the floor of the tower. "Goodbye, Vergil" I walked away, without looking back...

Nobody's POV

The city faded into it's natural self, the buildings restored, the people restored. Everyone mourned for the loss of their loved ones as the story was a Island wide explosion that killed so many but those who remain alive were put in a state of amnesia until the cloud faded. 

When the sun finally sunk below the horizon, the city was back to its original light. Oliver, the leader of the Human Resistance, awoke in his bed like he experienced a terrible dream, a never ending nightmare. 

The aprtment he lived in was complete and in tact but something bugged him. There was something missing...

Upon receiving a call from his Sister, who was in better health as when the event happened, everyone believed she was riding her motorcycle and fell off. Causing her to sustain injuries. She invited her brother to a night out in a bar, to quote, "Get his sorry out of the house to meet somebody"

Oliver walked out of his home, getting in the car he owns and driving to the local bar downtown. After having a few drinks, cheering about being alive with the citizens of Manhattan. He caught the glance from a familiar face. White hair, short. A dark patch of facial hair and attractive blue eyes. The young man leaned against the bar, taking a shot of tequila. He wore a nice long black coat, a henley's shirt with the buttons undone with his sleeves rolled up. 

Oliver approached with a curious gaze, "Have I met you before?" He wondered with confusion. The male with the white hair huffed in amusement, "I'm sure I'd remember a pretty face like yours" He slyly remarked which caused a sense of familiarity. 

"I'm Oliver... Nice to meet you"

The male grinned and grabbed the offered hand to complete the shake. 

"Nice to meet you too, Oliver. I'm Arden..." 

Although the Devil Hunter who was Half-Demon knew the name of this indivdiual who approached, he decided to remain unknown, to keep Oliver's life undisturbed. It was the selfless thing to do. As Arden knows, it isn't in an ordinary Devil Hunter's options to let others in... The life wasn't always fair but who knows, Anything can happen.

A gift that not many are blessed with...

All in due time...


The First Solo Arch Of The Novel Is Complete!... What did you all think?...

I'm also curious to the fact that what do you want out of this book? Some Romance for Arden? Some more Crossovers? 

I am also wondering on whether you want Arden to be Straight, Bisexual or Homosexual... Currently leaning towards Bisexual because I'm open to options... This also opens the option for Arden to have a romantic attachment to a character, most likely OC. You guys decide on the Gender he ends up with...

You also don't have to worry, Dante will be making a big appearance in the novel and will be having connections to the games, anime and manga...

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