Raisin' Hell...

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Arden's POV

Hell... Just the place I wanted to spend my time in... 

With a short sigh, I started my trek through the small valley of bubbling flesh and hot blood. The area narrowed in like a large vein that stretched on for miles on end. With a casual stature, I wandered through the endless pit of torture, horror and shit shows. 

My eyes unconsciously scanned the interior of the vein like tunnel, with a distasteful click of the tongue, I broke off into a sprint. "This place smells like Ass" 

Reaching the edge of the tunnel, a gapping space appeared. Hosting a seemingly endless drop through the abyss. "No going back now" With a casual step over the edge, I spun into a direct nose dive. My speed began to increase as the moist air became stale. 

As I made my fall through the air like a bullet, I caught a glimpse of something moving. It was fast and practically unseen. My lips curled up in cocky ammusement as my hand reached for my belt, pretending to whip out a gun. With my hand in the shape of a gun, I pointed it to my side. 

Without any time at all, the aproaching demon froze in hesitation before backing off within a blink of an eye. I taunting chuckle escaped my throat as I switched positions to a relaxed pose. My hands rested on the back of my head, my legs crossed while being laid out. 

The Breakneck Predator: The Fury

The Breakneck Predator: The Fury

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"Awe come on... Now I gotta go through the shitty process of changing my weapon's name?... Such a drag" The creature revealed a glowing spike before disappearing. With a quick eye roll, I flipped my position to catch the Fury with my foot slamming into its face and the claw to glide past me. As it flew away violently, my hand gripped the tail.

"Where do you think you're goin'?" Tugging hard on the tail, the demon was yanked to my position where the Gauntlet of War crashed into the maul of the beast. With a sickening crunch, I released the demon as it became a literal bullet and crashed into the wall of the pit. 

While falling, I saw more of those lizards. Using my expert maneuvers in the air, I flipped around the demon onslaught, all while laughing and genuinely enjoying myself. With a speed faster than the eye can see, they attacked in which I effortlessly used my hand to cartwheel over one. Pushing off, throwing the demon into the wall of the pit and causing myself to gain momentum. 

Using another two Furies as stepping stones, I leaped to the wall. Once my feet found purchase, I let myself fall back, quickly spinning to face downward. My feet stepped down the wall as I ran faster. "Lets see if you can keep up!" 

I started running down the side of the pit. My speed only increased, going up in Mach with with every step. Upon reaching Mach 5 my body started catching fire. With a grin, I moved faster...

Mach 10... Mach 15... Mach 20... Mach 30 And Beyond...

Blitzing down the side of the wall, I was quick to reach the end. Kicking off the wall, I coasted through the air, flipping to slam my foot against the head of an unsuspecting Empusa. 

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