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I woke up at about noon and realized I wasn't in my bed or on the couch. I looked around, realizing I was in Namjoon's room and remembered everything that had happened last night. When we got back to Namjoon's house, he offered to sleep on the couch and give me and Violet his room, since they did't have a guest bedroom. I looked around and realized Violet wasn't there. I threw on my robe and went downstairs. She was in the kitchen with Jin, sitting at the bar.

"Good morning, Mommie!" 

"Good morning, Bug."

"Good morning, ladies," Namjoon greeted as he came into the kitchen. He ruffled Violet's hair as he walked past. "Any big plans for the day?"

"Um, yeah. Cleaning my living room." He glanced at his watch and smirked. 

"Not yet."

"What does that mean?"

"Isn't it obvious?" he teased as he handed me a banana. "It means not yet." I rolled my eyes and ate my breakfast fruit before taking Violet upstairs and putting some real clothes on. I threw on some plain black leggings with a large grey sweater. I put Violet in jeans and a green T-shirt with ladybugs on it before going back downstairs.

"Ok, can I go clean my house now?" Namjoon glanced at his watch again.

"I guess," he huffed dramatically. We got in the car and headed to my house. When we pulled into the driveway, I noticed  there was an unfamiliar car.

"Ummm.... "

"Don't worry about it."

"Yeah, cause that's gonna make me feel better about someone I don't know being at my house."

"Just come inside." I rolled my eyes and grabbed Violet out of the backseat. When we went inside, I was surprised to see the living room was already clean. I was even more surprised by who I saw sitting on my couch.

"Hi Noona," Bambam said shyly. 

"Bambam" Violet shouted, running to him. I didn't know what to say. I definitely wasn't expecting Bambam and Yugyeom to be in my house when I got home.

We sat and hung out for a few hours, until Namjoon said he needed to go home. As I watched him pull out of the driveway, I felt a little sad. I really didn't want him to leave.

Namjoon's POV

I pulled out of Vivian's driveway, not really wanting to leave. But I knew that Vivian and Violet needed time with the two boys. This time, when I pulled into the driveway, I didn't sit outside. I went straight inside and flopped on the couch. I hadn't been sitting there but five minutes when Tae came and hopped onto the couch beside me.

"So, did she like it?"

"Violet or Vivian?" I rolled his eyed and punched me in the arm. "Um, ow."

"You know who I'm talking about." I couldn't help but smile.

"I think she liked it. I know Violet loved it. By the way, where is everyone?"

"Well, Yoongi and Jimin are out, Jin went to the grocery store, Hoseok's in the dance studio, and Jungkook is working out."

"Wait, let me get this straight. Jungkook is working out and you're not in there with him?"

"I was waiting for you." At that moment, Jimin and Yoongi came through the door.

"Hey guys," Yoongi greeted, ignoring Jimin who was pulling on his arm. "How'd it go?"

"I think it went pretty well."

"Cool. Um, I'll see you guys in the morning."

"Oh my God," I said when they left. "I actually hate them."

"You say that to everyone who shows affection to someone else."

"Yes, but I really hate them."

"Whatever. I'm out." He jumped up off the couch and headed toward the work-out room. I just rolled my eyes and went to my room to get ready for bed.

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