Cook #1

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Ever since you were in Kindergarten, you and Cook were best friends. He would eat lunch and play with you during recess. You knew every little thing about him, and you were the only girl he treated like a princess and with respect. He even let you go into the musketeers shed a few times. Over the years, your crush on him became bigger and bigger, and harder to hide. 

But everything changed the second you all met Effy Stonem. At Cook's birthday party, you found out that they had sex in the nurse's office on the first day of college. So, out of spite and sadness, you and Freddie hooked up that night but agreed never to speak of it again. 

A few weeks later, it was Panda's pajama party. Her mom passed out cold, so you and Naomi put her on the bed. Naomi left to go find everyone else, but you felt something odd. Like someone else was in the room. You went over to the closet and opened it. And there was Cook. 

"What the fuck are you doing here?" you said. 

"Pretty obvious, innit?" he said. 

You shook your head and rolled your eyes, "Come on, let's go home. This party's lame anyway."

As hard as it seemed, you were both able to get out without anyone noticing. When you got home, you changed out of the hideous pajamas Panda gave you and changed into your normal pajamas. A black crop top and white shorts. Cook sat on your bed with you as you both sat in awkward silence. 

"I know about you and Freddie, he told me. Fucker was drunk as fuck, though," he said.

"Sodding idiot," you grunted, "Did he tell the reasons why we did it?" 


You took a deep breath, knowing this could well jeopardize your friendship, "I can't stand it, Cook. I, I've loved you for too long to just stand by and let you fuck some girl who you've known for two minutes. It fucking hurts. Freddie was just there, and it just happened. It meant nothing, I just can't take this anymore." 

Hot tears spilled down your face as you tried to wipe them away, but Cook still saw them anyway. 

"You love me?" he said. You nodded. 

Cook inched closer to you and stroked your face as he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. Then, he kissed your lips passionately and slowly. 

"I love you too, y/n. I screw girls to get over you. I never asked you out because I never thought I'd have a shot at a girl who's as fucking amazing as you," he said. 

You smiled and kissed him again. The two of you ended up ordering a pizza, watching TV, and cuddling the entire day. 

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