JJ #1

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Disclaimer: I love Katie to pieces, she and Cook are my favorite gen 2 characters and one of my all-time skins favorites.

Being friends with Katie Fitch could be extremely knackering at times. Especially when it came to boys. If you two liked the same boy, she wouldn't care, she'd make sure she had him all to herself. But if you fancied a guy who she didn't think was worthy enough, she'd tell you that you couldn't like him, or that it was simply embarrassing to be seen with him. So when you started developing feelings for JJ, you made sure to keep it secret. 

JJ was a sweet guy, and you really enjoyed his company, but you knew that Katie would disapprove. One day, you were walking down the street when you bumped into JJ and Emily. They were walking over to Freddie's house so JJ could talk to him about the whole love-triangle situation. 

Karen walked up with you guys to his bedroom and gave Emily a weird look. Wonder what that was for...

"Hey, Freds, can we talk?" JJ said through the door. 

"Not right now, J. I'm a bit busy," Freddie said. 

"Ok then," he said. 

"Oh, for Christ's sake!" you said, "Out of my way!" 

You opened the door, only to see Katie on top of Freddie. Emily cleared her throat to grab their attention and it worked. The two of them immediately covered themselves. 

"Now, does everyone know each other?" Karen smirked. 

"Katie, what are you doing??" Emily said, still shocked. She clearly had no idea that this was going on, the same for you and JJ. 

"I'm doing the great fucking northern run, what does it look like I'm doing?" Katie snapped at her. 

The two conversed for a bit until Katie said to JJ it's a free country after JJ said that it was clear Freddie wanted Effy. 

"Hey, maybe my weirdo sister's up for it," Katie said. 

"No, that's ridiculous, Emily's gay," he said, making Katie's jaw drop. Uh oh, you thought. 

"That's not true, is it, Ems? Because you told me it wasn't true," she said. 

Instead of responding, Emily ran out. 

"Shed," Freddie said. You began to follow JJ out when you were stopped by Katie. 

"God, that kid is such a retard," she snickered. 

You lowered your eyebrows at her, "Don't say that, Katie! He's not a retard. He's a human being and a rather smart one at that." 

"What, do you have feelings for him now?" she continued to laugh. 

"So what if I did? It shouldn't matter to you who I like," you said.

"It matters if you want to fuck a ret-

"Call him that again, Katie! Call him that one more time, I dare you!" you screamed at her, making her give you a shocked look. You two would have several arguments, but you had never screamed at her, not like that, anyway.

"Katie, I can't be friends with someone like this. I've supported every boyfriend you had, even that stupid Danny guy who could've gotten arrested because of you! Is it really that hard for you to let me be happy?" 

Katie was speechless. For once, you called her out, and she had nothing to say because she knew she was wrong. 

You scoffed and stormed out as you saw Freddie and JJ walk out of the shed.

"Freds, you can tell your girlfriend that she's a fucking bitch, and I never want to talk to her again! JJ, let's go!" you said to him, tears flooding down your face as your breath became shaky.

"What's wrong, y/n?" Freddie said, looking concerned. 

"Ask her," you said as you walked off, JJ following behind you.

"Why can't she ever be happy for me? It's all about her and never about me. I can't even like a boy without her looking at me like I'm crazy," you said, sobbing at that point. JJ, a little scared and unsure what to do, put his arm around you. 

"I'm sorry," he said quietly. 

"Don't be. It's not your fault," you said, calming down as he wiped the tears off your cheeks, "JJ, can I tell you something?" 


"I've had feelings for you for a long time now. And I finally implied it to Katie and she said awful things about both you and me. There, I said it," you said. 

JJ looked at you for a second, shocked. You knew it was a bad idea to admit your feelings, so you walked off. But then, surprisingly, JJ caught up with you, turned you around, and kissed you. 

He obviously didn't know where to put his hands, so you placed them on your waist as you wrapped your arms around his neck. When you pulled away, you took his hand and walked to his house, forgetting about stupid Katie. 

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