Freddie #1

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A/n I donut like Freddie, but he's hot as fuck. 

You were there. You were there with Freddie, JJ, Cook, and Effy when she chose between the two of them. Cook wasn't the only one who was heartbroken, though, so were you. Freddie couldn't stop talking about her, thinking about her, everything he said was always about fucking Effy. You'd constantly think, what does she have that I don't? Why doesn't he love me? 

The entire boat ride home, you didn't say a word to anyone. If Effy looked over at you, you'd glare at her. And when you got home, you locked yourself in your room and cried the whole night. Within two weeks of the summer vacation, Freddie and Cook got chlamydia for fucking around with the same slut. Sodding idiots, you thought. 

That afternoon he got treated and cleared, he came over to your house. Your dad put out a cardboard box that had a bunch of your baby pictures in it. 

"Aww, you had such chubby cheeks," he said, taking a picture of you on your second birthday. 

You laughed, "I was the world's ugliest baby. I wonder how my parents felt, giving birth to an ugly child." 

"You were not an ugly child. And you're certainly not ugly right now," he said. 

You laughed, thinking  that he was joking, but the look in his eyes said otherwise. Not knowing what came over you, you grabbed him by the shoulders, your lips inches apart. Freddie closed the gap between you and pushed his lips onto yours passionately. 

"Wh- what about Effy?" you said, still shocked that he kissed you. 

"Who cares? Cook can have her, the person I wanted all along was you. You have a heart, you've been there for me through good and bad times. That's the kind of person I want to be with," he said.

You smiled and kissed him again, "Bed?" 


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