Rich #1

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A/n minor mentions of abuse in the beginning 

Rich was your next-door neighbor since birth. You weren't a metalhead like him, but more of a softer version of a punk girl, like the brunette Cherie Currie. Being neighbors and friends with Rich also meant being close to Alo. So, they were like your emotional support friends since you didn't have any girlfriends, yet somehow you got a boyfriend. 

The relationship wasn't the healthiest or the most stable, but you were slightly afraid to get out of it. A few times already he had abused you either verbally, physically, or would force sex on you. Without Mini's help, you would still be with him. Rich tried to help as well, but it didn't work. And besides, everything changed between you and him the second he started dating her. Grace. 

Grace was a sweet girl, but he was so engrossed in her to the point where it almost sickened you. You were even a bridesmaid for their "wedding" but you couldn't bring yourself to be happy for them, and you realized why. You don't know how it took you so long to realize it, but you had feelings for your best friend. 

And then Morrocco happened, those two could not get enough of each other. You slept in the same room as Nick and you could hear them fucking all night. When was this going to end, you thought. It did... but not in the way anyone wanted. After the car crash left her completely unconscious, Rich started to go crazy, and he seemed to isolate himself from everyone when she passed away. 

You noticed he hadn't been in school for the whole week. So one day, after dinner, you went over to go visit him. 

He answered the door, heavy bags under his eyes. 

"Hey, Rich."

"What d'you want?" he said, rather sternly. 

"I, I just wanted to see how you're doing lately. I noticed you haven't been at school lately and I-"

"Of course I'm not ok, y/n. The love of my life is gone and she's never coming back," he said with the same cold tone. 

"I know that and I just wanted to check on you. I've been worried," You stuttered out. 

"I don't need you to check on me! It won't make a difference anyway," he said as he closed the door. 

"You shouldn't push the people who care about you away, Richard!" you called out before walking out and into your house. 

Avoiding conversation with your parents, you went straight up to your room. You took your pillow, screamed into it, and burst into tears. All you were trying to do was help, but after your little encounter, you realized how little you meant to him.

After a half-hour of crying, you got a hold of yourself even though your makeup was still all over the place, so you went to the bathroom to clean it up. 

"Y/n! Rich is here to see you!" your dad called to you. 

"I don't want to talk to him!" you called back as you finished taking off the last of your makeup. But regardless, you heard footsteps coming up the stairs, and Rich walked into the wide-open bathroom. 


"He ran past me! What'd you want me to do, tackle the kid??" 

You rolled your eyes and walked back into your bedroom, "Have you come here to bitch at me some more?" 

"No. I wanted to say that I didn't mean what I said to you. You were right, I shouldn't push you away. We've been best friends since we were able to walk, and I'm sorry that when I started dating Grace I stopped talking to you. I owe you so much," as he finished, his voice started to crack, and you could see the tears in his eyes. 

You pulled him into a hug as the two of you sat there, hugging each other, and crying. As you pulled away, you wiped away his tears and he did the same to you. 

"Y/n, your mother and I are going out for a while with our friends, we'll be home in a few hours. Rich is welcome to stay too," your dad said. 

"Ok, have fun!" you called out as you heard the door close and lock, "You want to say? We can watch something." 

"Sure. Monty Python and the Holy Grail?" 

You nodded and smiled. That was yours and Rich's favorite movie. After you poured some drinks and made popcorn, the two of you sat down on the couch as the movie started playing. Rich plopped a seat directly next to you so that your legs were touching.

As the first scene started, you felt his arm drape around your shoulder, causing you to look up at him. The next thing you knew, his lips crashed onto yours. He tasted of buttery popcorn and lager beer, a combination that worked surprisingly well. 

"Whoa," you said as you pulled away and put a hand on his chest.

"I've been wanting to do that ever since we were ten years old," he said, shyly. 

"That long?" you said, lifting his chin so he could look you in the eye. He nodded as you kissed him again, this time longer and more passionate. 

"The reason I dated Grace was because she was your polar opposite. I thought it could make me forget about you, but I never could. You have no idea how much I wanted you to break up with Mike, and I'm so glad you did. You deserved better than that scum," he said. 

"Well, now you have me," you said, kissing him once more. The rest of the night, Rich didn't leave your side, which was perfectly fine with you. 

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