Cook #2

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You, Effy, Freddie, JJ, and Cook were in Freddie's shed, bored out of your minds. 

"Let's play truth or dare!" Cook declared. 

"Alright, let's do it," Freddie agreed, "JJ? Eff? Y/n?"

"Whatever," Effy said. 

"Yea, fine," you said hesitantly. With a game like truth or dare, anything was possible. 

"Alright, JJ, truth or dare, bud?" Freddie said. 


Of course, JJ would pick a truth. Pussy. (Lol jk I love JJ). 

"Is it true that you got a stiffy when y/n started dancing at that party last night with her two-piece on?" Freddie said, making him and Cook laugh. 

"Cook! You said you wouldn't say anything!" JJ said as you looked down at the floor uncomfortably. Maybe don't wear that two-piece in front of JJ anymore.

"Sorry, man. But you gotta admit that was funny. Eff, truth, or dare?" Cook said to Effy.


"Snog y/n. Like, make out," he said. 

Not being one to pussy out, you two leaned in and pressed your lips onto hers. She tasted like cigarettes, not a surprise. By the time your tongues got involved, Cook told the two of you to pull away. 

"That was hot," he said, laughing while Freddie and JJ had shocked looks on their faces. 

"Pig," you scoffed. 

"Cook, truth, or dare?" Effy said. 

"You know me, babe. Dare," he said. 

"Alright, how about you and y/n go around the back and have a little seven minutes in heaven?" she said. You looked over at Effy like you were about to kill her. She knew all about your crush on Cook, and of course, she was going to use this as an opportunity to do something. 

Without saying a word, just a smirk from Cook, the two of you went around the back. 

"Hey," you said. 

"Hey," he said. Enough was said. 

Cook wasted no time in attaching his lips to yours as you wrapped your arms around his neck. You felt your back being pushed against the wall as you continued to make out. Your hands gripped at his hair and your tongues fought for dominance. Things were already escalating, his hands were everywhere, roaming your body. 

Cook removed his lips from yours and moved down your body until he stopped at your breasts, kissing and nibbling at the bit of skin in between them. Just as you let out a slight moan, you heard footsteps coming closer to you both.

"Shit," you said, pushing him off you. 

"Have fun?" Effy said, smirking as she saw the two of you, your makeup and hair a mess. 

As the two of you went back inside with everyone, Cook whispered in your ear, "We're not done here, babe." 

The rest of the night, which wasn't much longer, the two of you exchanged lustful looks.

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