Emily #1

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You realized you were bisexual when you were eleven. Yea, boys appealed to you, but you also realized that you could find yourself dating and loving girls. But there was one in particular who you had your eyes on. Emily Fitch, who also happened to be one of your best friends. You were there when she professed her love for Naomi, leaving you heartbroken and crying yourself to sleep that night. 

But Emily and Naomi had been going through a rough patch ever since Naomi cheated on her. It was like Emily was a completely different person. She barely smiled anymore and spent most of her time crying. You missed the old Emily, and you were intent on getting her back. One night, you invited her over to your house.

After making dinner for the two of you, you turned on the TV. 

"Clueless?" you said, holding up the DVD.

"Sure," she said quietly. 

The movie started up and the two of you inched closer to each other. You made popcorn beforehand and the two of you reached into the bowl at the same time, making your hands touch. As you sat back and ate the popcorn, your eyes were on each other. 

"Emily," you said as your faces got closer and closer. After what seemed like an eternity, Emily closed the gap and pressed her lips onto yours. You kissed her back and put her hand on her neck. 

"Em, I'm not gonna lie, I've wanted to do that for a long time," you said as she smiled and took your hand. 

"I have too, a little. Even before Naomi," she said. For the first time in days, she looked genuinely happy. You giggled and pecked her lips. The two of you cuddled and eventually fell asleep on the couch that night. All in all, it was a pretty successful night!

 A/n I thought this was kinda cheesy but I liked writing it at the same time!!

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