Sid #1

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Warnings: This is a little more on the sad side but things get better! 

You had been crying almost all morning, but tried to hold it in during school. Life was going awful for you at the moment. If you so much as opened your mouth, you'd get yelled at by your parents, for no reason. Being the oldest child of four meant carrying responsibility, even when your siblings were behaving like stuck up brats. The stress was getting to you, and by the time Tony made fun of your makeup purely out of spite, which caused Chris and Maxxie and even Sid to chuckle a bit, you ran off into the bathroom crying. 

After a good five to ten minutes of crying, you pulled yourself together and walked out, no use in crying over something that cunt said to you. When you walked out, you saw Sid leaning against the wall, looking over at you as you exited the bathroom. 

"Hey, sorry for laughing about what Tony said, your makeups fine- have you been crying?" Sid said as he saw your, or what was, the rest of your makeup. 

"Yea, but it's no big deal. You know me, miss crybaby," you said, trying to laugh it off, but he didn't fall for it like he usually does. 

"Is something else wrong? You've been looking really upset the entire day," he said. Since neither of you had any more classes for the day, you walked out of the building and towards the green, where you sat down. 

"Just some family stuff, stresses you out, you know?" you said.

"Yea, I get that," he said as you took a hold of his hand and looked into his deep brown eyes.

"Thank you for checking up on me. It was very kind and gentleman-like of you."

All of a sudden, you had this sudden strange urge to kiss him, and knowing that he was generally not one to initiate things, you leaned in first. The moment your lips touched his, he pulled away, shocked. 

"I knew this was a bad idea," you said.

You were about to leave but Sid grabbed your arm, turned you around, and kissed you. His arms wrapped around your waist as you held onto his neck, kissing him passionately. Sid was surprisingly a really good kisser too.

"Whoa there, you horny fuckers," you heard Tony say. 

The two of you pulled away in embarrassment, but you couldn't be happier at the same time. 

"Took you two long enough," Chris laughed as he lit and smoked his cigarette. 

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