Tony #2

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He was the meanest, most manipulative person you knew. Yet you couldn't take your mind off him. You had to admit it, you were obsessed with Tony Stonem. 

Chris had thrown a party while his mum was away, and the whole gang was there. Tony, being the cocky fuck he was, would flirt with you and lead you on all through the night, but then you'd see him snogging or dry humping Michelle. By the fourth time, you had enough. So you went upstairs and found your way to an empty bedroom, one that had a fish tank and a lava lamp in it.

It wasn't until your head hit the pillow that you realized how tired you were, and you almost immediately fell asleep. An hour later, you were being awoken by someone shaking you. 

"L/n! L/n!" 

"What the fuck do you want?" you said sleepily as you turned to face the person who shook you awake, "Fuck off, Tone. Go fuck Michelle and leave me alone." 

"Nah, Michelle was being pissy and left. Now I've got you," he said. He leaned in to kiss you, but you pushed him away angrily. You also realized his shirt was off.

"I'm not the toy that you use for pleasure, Tony," you said.

"I don't think of you like that. Something about you entices me, y/n. It's not your tits or your fanny, just something about you as a person. Come on, you know you want me," he said, playing with the hem of your shirt. At this point, fuck it. 

You grabbed both sides of his face and smashed your lips onto his, making him fall on top of you. The kiss became heated as he took off your shirt, leaving you only in your bra. Tony moved down to your neck and started kissing and sucking on your sweet spot, earning a moan from you. That's definitely gonna leave a mark, you thought. 

But you didn't care. Things continued to escalate until you were breathing heavily next to each other, naked.

"Highlight of the evening I'd say..."

"Yea. G'night, Tone," you said to him.

"Night," he said as he wrapped an arm around your shoulder before dozing off. Where did you two stand now? 

Part two?

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