•You have to run•

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I get up to our floor and see Ellie and an older man standing next to her.
She looks pissed.

"Where have you been? I've was texting you all night last, you never came, home I was worried y/n." Ellie yells at me.

She's never yelled at me.

"I'm so sorry I just got caught up in something, with someone and I-." She interrupts me.

"What?! With who? God you never do shit like this!. Where were you last night?

~I knew I had to lie~
I was with a friend."

"What? A friend?! Me and Marco are the only people you know in New York. Did you stay with someone you just met?!"

"Listen Ellie I can't talk to you about it right now let's just-."

"Cant talk to me about it? We've told each other everything for the past 6 years! I can't deal with this bull shit right now. I don't know where you are going but me and Marco are staying with Jenna."

Jenna is Marcos sister who lives here in New York too.

Ellie storms off. I could practically see the steam coming out of her ears. We've had fights before, but never like this.

The old man, still standing by the door speaks."

"I'm guessing you're y/n l/n?"

"Yes..t-that's me." I said still shook up.

"So your the one that hasn't been paying rent. Well anyway I've got lunch with my daughter at 11 and I can't spend my whole day here. You have 15 minutes to get all your shit out of this room and get out of the building."

I couldn't believe my ears.

"What do you mean can't I-"

He interrupts "Listen sweetheart I get it, well actually I don't, but I don't have time for you to whine and complain. Now hurry up."

I open the apartment door to see all of Ellie and Marcos stuff gone.

I didn't have much stuff here anyway since I was making minimum wage at a retail store cleaning toilets.

I grab my clothes and shove them into a plastic bag. I didn't even feel like grabbing the rest of my stuff. I took my blanket and my favorite coffee cup and walked out the door.

I wave to the man. He didn't wave back.

What was I supposed to do for the rest of the day? Live in my car? I didn't know what to do but I knew I needed more coffee.

~Little time skip~

I had put my stuff in my car and walked to a Starbucks that was right around the corner from my "old" apartment.

I head for the door but there seems to be a lot of commotion happening outside of the coffee shop. People yelling some crying. I get closer to see what was happening, when I see 3 police men. I ask a women next me me what was going on.

She answers "I got no idea! I was just trynna get my damn coffee when all of a sudden this creepy man runs into the shop lookin for some girl. I had no clue what he was talking about."

Just then the police make an announcement on a mega phone.

"Hello everyone. We are sorry for all the fuss. The Starbucks will be closed for the rest of the day for investigation."

The crowd awws and he continues.

"But if one of you is a young girl missing a blue heart key chain with some picture in it, please come see us immediately."
He holds it up.

Holy shit.
That's mine. That's a picture I keep in my pocket of me and my mom.

I walk up to the police men trying not to get anyone to see me.

"Excuse me..."

"Yes what do you need?" The man says looking down at me.

"That's my key chain. See that's my picture right there."

The police look at each other than back at me.

"Have you ever had an encounter with this man?"
They hold up a blurry photo. It was the man that pushed me and robbed me. Holy shit. What was happening?
I gulp and answer the man.

"Yes......he pushed me to the ground last night and took all my bags.

He sighs. "Well we need to have you fill out forms and go to-"

I zone him out. I really didn't care about that guy at all. Other than a bruised knee and him stealing my 14 dollar lipstick, I could let it go. I had bigger things to worry about. Like when was I going to see John again. Ugg every time I closed my eyes I saw him. I miss his touch.
I start to day dream but something snaps me out of it. It was screaming. I knew that scream. It was the man. I turn around and see him bolting towards me.


Oh no. The cops pulled there guns out and the crowd disappeared into the winter fog.
There was only one thing to do in this situation.


I bolt it down the streets of New York trying to not get hit by a car. The flashing headlights beaming in my eyes my heart racing, my knees still sore. Police yelling. I didn't know where to go. I had no where to go. Except for one place.


Bad idea~John Mulaney Where stories live. Discover now