•The head line•

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I was sitting at a table for 2, patiently waiting for Ellie to arrive. I just had so much to say to her and I wanted to apologize in person.

I see Ellie walk into the restaurant covered in light snow flakes.

I wave her down and she makes her way to the table.

"Ellie I'm so sorry I-."

"Y/n. It's ok. I'm not upset about the rent. I just want you to tell me what's going on."

I start to tell her about everything. I tell her about the man that chased me down and mugged me. I told her about John and how he made me feel. How whenever I'm around him my throat gets really dry and my lips part like I'm going to speak but nothing comes out.

She couldn't believe what I was telling her. I could see her mind exploding as I explained to her why I have been so shady and why I couldn't tell her earlier.

"I'm sorry. I really wanted to tell you."

Ellie grabs my hand.

"Y/n. I forgive you. I'm sorry you had to go through all of that. I'm always here for you and you can tell me anything. You don't have to be scared to tell me about who you like."

I hadn't told her we told each other I love you. Because even I wasn't sure what that was.

We enjoyed the rest of our lunch laughing like we used to. It reminded me of when we were in High school together. We did choir together and we would good off and never pay attention. I just wanted things to go back to the way they were. But I still wasn't sure how supportive she would be of John coming into my life. So far she seems to like the idea.

We finish our meal and head our separate ways. Before leaving the restaurant Ellie stops me.

"Hey, keep me updated."

"Of course." I hug her cold winter jacket.

She has been here for me through everything.
My Dad dying was the hardest thing I had to go through as a kid. And Ellie being there just made me feel like I had a shoulder to cry on.
My mom was to busy crying on everyone else's shoulders to hold mine up. But I can't blame her. He was the best person ever.

Reminds me a little of John.

I spent the rest of my day walking around New York shopping for gifts to send to my family across the globe. My sisters in Germany and my brothers in France. They both are head surgeons that do travel work for underprivileged hospitals. There both so amazing.

So when my parents found out I wanted to be a actress they were to excited about the idea, but supported me anyway.

~Time skip to 7:00pm~

I get a text from John on my phone. We exchanged numbers before I left for lunch today.


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YAY. I was giddy with excitement. I rushed to Central Park looking for John. So many people were there looking at the Christmas lights. Family's, couples. And a man on a motorcycle. He starts to get closer to me. But I look closer and realize that's John on that bike.  John that skinny tally child is ridding that motorcycle. I takes off his helmet and he runs his hands through his hair.

"Hop on."

I get onto the back of his bike and put a helmet on.

"Hold on to me. And don't let go."

I slowly place my arms around his waist grabbing it tightly. I push my body to his.

We ride around the city just enjoying the sky and the snow.

I could feel the breeze from the wind blowing my hair all around.

I was so scared that I was gonna fall off. I was shaking. But then John places his hands on top of mine grabbing me tightly. I couldn't stop hearing him saying I love you in my head .

We slow down and John parks in the dirt. He steps off the motorcycle. He turns to me and lifts me off my seat.

"What was all this for?!" I rub his shoulder.

"I just felt like you needed something to...feel at peace. I don't want you to be scared to be alone."

He takes my hand and we stroll down the parks trails.

"How was lunch with Ellie today?" John asks looking excited.

"It was better than I could have ever imagined. I really missed her."

"That's great!"

Suddenly Johns phone rings in his pocket.

"Excuse me one second." He answers the call.

We stop on our trail.

He hangs up the phone and immediately checks Twitter.

He turn the phone to me. And as he did I noticed a sudden change in his emotion.


"John I-."

"What the hell! I though we weren't gonna tell anyone!"

"I just told Ellie-"
Tears well up in my eyes. A lump forms in my throat.

John takes a deep breath.

"We can't see each other anymore."

"But John-"

I reach for him arm but he swipes it away.

John storms back to his bike and drives away.

Bad idea~John Mulaney Where stories live. Discover now