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I lean toward him and we hug.

I look up at him into his eyes. His dreamy, blue, caring eyes.

"John? I ask.

"Yes?" He says sweeping my wet hair out of my face.

"Can I stay here tonight?"

He leans to my ear "Of course." He whispers.


"It's only 12:00pm. And I'm sure your hungry.
Do you want to go get something to eat?"
He asks me.

I smile. I hadn't eaten in two days. Lunch with John? Don't have to ask me twice.

"I would love that. Where do you want to go?"

He looks up. "Welllll I want to take you somewhere nice since you know......you've had a shitty past couple of days."

I smile so big. But try not to show John how excited I was.

"Well how about you find somewhere for us to eat and I'll go out to my car and get changed into some nice clothes."

"Great." He high-fives me and we both stand up.

~Little time skip~

I had gotten my clothes and was headed back to Johns apartment to change. I had this really fancy dress that I had only wore once and it was to my high school graduation. I was so excited to do my makeup and go on a, well not a date, but a lunch date? I don't know but I'm SO EXCITED.

I was in Johns bathroom changing. I did my makeup and my hair, and I looked so nice. My dress was red. Deep red. Showed a little bit of cleavage. A slit going down my leg. I looked so hot. But maybe I was going too full out? No. I'm doing this for me. I'm getting all dressed up and pretty for me. Not for a man. Well maybe a little for a man.

I open the door and walk out in the main room of Johns apartment.
He turns his head and looks at me.

"Wow." He says.

"You look........wow."

I blush like a little kid.

John was wearing a suit and tie. My favorite. It was a deep blue like the one he had worn in the comeback kid.

"Sooo have you decided where we're going? Sorry I took so long in the bathroom its just I couldn't get the curling iron to work and I wasn't sure if I had-."

He grabbed my hands.

"Are you ready to go?" He smiles at me.

I take a deep breath.

His hands slide to my waist and we walk out the door.

"Wait." I say stopping out tracks.
"What if someone sees us? I-I mean not that we're doing anything wrong but I know the paparazzi can twist things and I don't want....anything to.......you know."

He thinks.

"Hmmm. Well. Let them think what they think." He says confidently. "Buuut if someone asks we'll tell them your my niece visiting." He winks.

"Ok." I nod to him.

We get to the restaurant. It was so pretty. It was called A Rose in the Garden. I felt like I was in a fairy tale.

"Oh and I got us a private room, if that's alright with you. It's just a lot of people stare and-."

I grab his shoulder.

"It's perfect John."

We get to our table and it was unbelievable. It was lit with candles. Rose petals were on the table and floor. It felt so romantic. I just wanted John to sweep me off my feet and we could run away together.

We sit down. He pulls out my chair for me.

"Why thank you good sir." I say sitting down.

"Anything for a pretty lady." He says fixing his tie.

We order our drinks and make normal small talk.

"This place is amazing." I say looking up at the glistening lights.

"I know. I've never been here. I've just seen pictures and always wanted to take someone special here." He says.

I look at him a little shocked.
He clears his throat.

"Awwwww So you think I specialll." I say teasing him.

"Yes I do." He rolls his eyes.

He looks back and me and licks his lips.

I cover my eyes with my hands.

"What?" He says laughing at me.

"I can't look at you when you do that!" I say still covering my eyes.

"Do what?" He says still laughing and confused.

I sigh.

"When you lick your lips like that!" I say looking down.

"Ohhhh. Well why not!" He giggles.


I pause.

"Because I get butterflies in my stomach. I mean more than I normally do around you."
I say.

"Well if I stop doing that then you have to stop crinkling your nose when your happy." He smiles imitating me crinkling my nose.

Wow I didn't even realize I did that.

"What you mean like this?!" I lean towards his face crinkling my nose.

He licks his lips as a rebuttal to me.

"HAHAHA." We both laugh at each other acting like children.

Our faces still close to each other.

We both leaned forward to kiss each other. He grabbed my face. So gently. Our lips were where they were meant to be. He ran his hands through my hair. It felt so nice. I slowly reached my hand to his knee under the table. I rubbed his leg as we both never leave each others lips.

We pull apart and rest our foreheads on each other. John begins to say something.

"I think I like you." He whispers.

"I think I like you too." I whisper back.

Just then 10 paparazzi people burst through the door. There cameras flashing in our faces. I look at John with worry on my face.


I hope you all are enjoying it so far :)
I have so many ideas for this story and can't wait to wright more!
Follow me on Instagram @too_much_tuna_baby 💗

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