•Sour Patch Kids•

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Just then 10 paparazzi people burst through the door to our dining room. There cameras flashing in our faces. I look at John with worry on my face.


They start yelling questions at me and John.

"Who is this women?"

"Are you finally over Anna?"

"Are you on a date?"

"She looks young."

"Is she your daughter?"

"Is this just a rebound?"

I cover my face with my purse. I was so embarrassed. I could ruin Johns career.

John looked at me and grabbed my hand.

I could barely hear him over the people screaming in my ear. He got close to my face.

"Whatever you do, don't answer any questions, and don't show your face. Let's get out of here, follow me." He said standing up.

He looked around looking for an exit. He held my hand so tightly and we both ran to an exit at the back of the building.

The cameras still coming after us. We keep running down the side walk.

"We're never gonna lose them." I say to John starting to get anxious and out of breath.

"It's alright." He spots a big Target shopping center on the corner of a building.

"Let's run in there, we're going to have to split up ok."

"Ok." I say.

We get to the entrance with the people still following us.

I look up at him.
"Wait! How will we know where to meet?" I say.

"I'll find you. I promise." He kisses me on the cheek and we split up into the Target.

I kick my heels off not even worrying about them. As I'm doing so I stumble a little bit, giving one of the camera men time to catch up to me.

"Miss what is your name?" He yells in my face taking pictures of me.

I do what John says and I don't say anything.

I keep running trying to lose him. I see these long clothing racks. I'm small so I think I could hide in them. I duck down burrowing my way through the racks of clothes. I sit on the floor hiding my self from everyone's questions and flashing cameras.

I wasn't sure what to do now. I try to just catch my breath and calm down.

Do celebrity's really have to deal with this all the time? How do they live there lives?

It was so weird having people wanting to take pictures of me and asking me questions. I mean no one really cares about your life when you work at Macy's and have no friends.

I hear someone walking towards the rack.
An older women moves the coats and uncovers me covered in dust from the floor and in my fancy dress and makeup.

"Oh are you lost little girl?" She says in a faint voice.

I wasn't sure what to say. Because honestly I was.

"Ummm. I-I'm just waiting for someone to find me." I say.

"Oh I see like hide and go seek!" She says.

I nod. "Yes exactly." I smile at her. She was so sweet and kind to me. It's hard to find many people like that in New York.

"Well I'll leave you to your game." She says closing me back into the coats.

Bad idea~John Mulaney Where stories live. Discover now