•Protect me•

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I am bolting in down the street.
I turn around and I can still see the man headed after me. There's still fog and dark clouds in the sky. I try to remember where Johns apartment was. God he might not even be there. I turn a sharp corner near where that guy mugged me, and John saved me. I think I remembered where I was now. A felt a drip on my arm. Then another, then another. It started pouring down rain. I keep running and running. I think I lost the guy but I wasn't sure. I was almost nearing his building. I trip on the wet concrete and bang my elbow. Someone tried to help me up but I didn't let them. I got up not even realizing the pain or that I was bleeding. I was soaking wet, muddy, and scared. I run into Johns apartment building pushing around all the people trying to get away from the rain. I get to his floor and knock on his door.

I'm dripping with rain.

John opens the door. I feel so relieved he was there.

"John I'm so sorry to bother you it's just something happened and-."

He hugs me. He knows that calms me down. I was back in his arms. And he didn't even care he was getting wet. He didn't even ask why I was there.

He steps back and looks at me.

"Would you like to take a shower and then we can talk about it?

"Yes please."

I walk to the bathroom.

"I'll give you clothes....again." He chuckles.

I get in the shower. I take a deep breath of the warm shower air. I needed to do something about John. I mean. I can't keep coming back to him when I have a problem. Even when I really want to. But that kiss. He kissed me! We slept on top of each other! It just didn't make sense?! What does John see in me? I not rich, I'm always getting myself into trouble, my life's a mess! Or maybe he's not into me? Maybe it was just a one time thing? God I feel like my heads going to explode. I hear a knock on the door.

"Uhh someone's in here!" I say in Johns voice.

He laughs.

"I'm just here to bring you towels and clothes."

He opens the door slightly.

"Is it ok to come in?" He asks so politely.

I say yes and he comes in. I peak my head through the shower curtain to watch him bring the stuff in. He bends down. I bite my lip. He sees me watching him and raises his one eyebrow. I quickly shut the curtain and keep showering.

I hear him leave and I finish my shower. I get out and slip on the t-shirt and shorts he gives me.

I walk out and see John on the couch petting Petunia.

"So no suite and tie for me?" I ask him walking over to the couch.

"Haha maybe next time."

I sit on the couch exhaling.

"So, what the hell happened?" He asks me.

"Well to make a long story short, I'm kicked out of my apartment, I'm living in my car, my best friend hates me, and I'm pretty sure a crazy man is after me."

I finish my blurb and John stares at me.

"Woah. Ok so one thing at a time. What happened with the apartment?"

"I'm broke. Which lead Ellie, my best friend, to now hate me because we both share the apartment and I didn't pay my half this month and our landlord hates us so he booted us out."

"That sucks. Living in New York can be hard. I know plenty of people who have struggled to find a place and stick with it here. Ok so now the big one, a crazy man is after you?!"

"Right." I say. So I went to get coffee because I was so stressed out and when I got there everyone was talking and there was police there and they ~ She talks about the key chain~ so then I hear some guy screaming at me, and it was the crazy man who mugged me! He chased me down the streets and then it started fucking raining and I had literally no where else to go and I'm so sorry for bothering you it's just I feel so safe when I'm with you a-and calm."

He half smiles. He grabs my hand and we link our fingers together.

"I'm so sorry that all of this is happening to you. I would be afraid if I were you too. And I'm trying to find the right words to say because I- I care about you. I don't know why I barley know you. I don't even know you last name for Christ's sake! Y/n. I don't know why you came into my life or why I came into yours but I know it was for a reason. And I'm going to protect you know matter what. And I don't know what's going on between us. All I know is I'm going to be here for you. I'm going to make sure you stay safe."

I take a deep breath. He's the most perfect person on the planet. He knows just what to say. I can feel his thumb rubbing my hand.

"John I-..............thank you."

I lean toward him and we hug.

I look up at him into his eyes. His dreamy, blue, caring eyes.

"John?" I ask.

"Yes?" He says sweeping my wet hair out of my face.

"Can I stay here tonight?"

He leans to my ear, "Of course." He whispers.

Bad idea~John Mulaney Where stories live. Discover now