Chapter 34

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"Remember when I said two people were visiting us?" Jay says.


"Two people that I hate, by the way."


"The other one is coming today. He's called Sebastien, a half-French pompous dude."

I vaguely remember the name, but not where I heard it.

"And we're having another ball to welcome him."

"Ugh!" I groan. "Stupid balls, I've bought one million dresses already!"

In my world, five evening dresses are considered a million, especially that I won't get to wear them on any other occasion in my eventless life.

He laughs. "Sorry, babe."

I finish my work at the ITD for the day and head to Deli's office to borrow a makeup primer, since I finished mine yesterday. A blonde, cute man is sitting in front of her.

She laughs. "Of course, Seb, I don't think so."

I clear my throat. "Hello."

"Oh, Aurora! This is Sebastien. Seb, this is Aurora," she says, introducing us. Sebastien kisses my hand and smiles at me. "He's the one who sent me Tommy's engagement invitations."


"And she's the one that helped me get my revenge, the one I told you about," she says, pointing at me. "A real badass, this one."

I smile. "He deserved it."

"True, what a dick," Sebastien says.

"You needed something, Aurora?" She asks.

"Makeup primer, please?"


I start rummaging in the closet, looking for a proper dress to wear to the stupid party. They have way too many parties here for very wrong reasons.

I hate politics.

Jay is lying in my bed, watching me in my struggle. I wish he'd get up and help me pick a dress but I know very well that if he does, we'll probably ditch dress-finding and make out.

"Aurora?" he asks from the same spot.


"Would you marry me?"

I spin a perfect 180 degrees in an instant. "Excuse me, what?"

"I didn't mean it like that, idiot. I'm not proposing." He shakes his head. I relax the muscles I didn't realize I've tensed. "I'm saying would you marry me if, hypothetically, we find a way to remain together for a long time?"

"What is making you think of that?" I ask, a smile breaking on my face.

"Honestly?" he takes a deep breath. "I've always wondered why people get married and thought I'd never remotely find someone I'd want to spend more than a couple of days with."

"And I've changed that?" I say, glowing with pride.

"You changed a lot of things, Aurora, get to the point."

Would I marry him? I can imagine him standing in front of a priest and as I'm walking down the aisle, he'd whisper "don't fall!" because he's practical like that.

I wouldn't want to marry anyone else.

"Yes, but only if you don't propose on a bed," I reply, eyeing him.

He raises his hands in defense. "I may have a lot of bad traits, but I'm not stupid. I'd do it more romantically. And I'd stand on one knee." He furrows his brows in concentration, probably to figure out what he's missing. "And I'd have a ring. I'd buy you the most beautiful ring on Earth."

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