Back to school

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-Meliodas POV-

The sins and Elizabeth walked home, Elizabeth didn't forget giving a kiss on my cheek. My face turned red like normal.

"So, when will you confess?" I heard a voice and turned around.

"W-when d-did you come in here?!" I asked, more emotions then ever.

"I have been here the whole time." Zeldris spoke. He was laying in his bed.

"D-don't t-tell mother!" I said.

"Don't tell me what?" Mother asked and popped up from nowhere.

"N-nothing!" I said.

"Okay, so, how are you feeling now Meliodas?" Mother asked.

"Better, can I go to school tomorrow?" I asked. Mother nodded.

"Yeah, it's great if you do!" Mother said. I nodded.

"I will go to bed, I need to get up early tomorrow." I said. Mother nodded.

"Have a good sleep." She said and walked out of the room. When she closed the door, Zeldris sat up.

"Okay, what's wrong with you? No one wants to go to school." Zeldris spoke.

"U-umm, i-it's n-nothing." I said.

"You want to meet Elizabeth again, don't you?" Zeldris asked.

"N-no." I said.

"You do! Mother will freak out when she hears you are in love!" Zeldris said.

"My boy is in love?!" Father's voice come from the door.

"Shh! I want to know who!" I heard mother's voice.

"It's obviously Elizabeth! She looks like a good girl." Father said. Zeldris walked up to the door and opened it and there mother and father stood.

My cheeks turned bloody red as I saw them. Then mother walked in and made me sit on the bed before sitting beside me.

"So, Elizabeth huh? I never thought she would be your style. I was thinking more of, like, Melascula in Zeldris group or maybe Derierie, but not Elizabeth." Mother said and took a arm around me. Father walked to sit beside me on the opposite side then mother.

"Okay, lesson one of how to..." Father started. That's how my 6 hour lesson of how to win a girls heart over started.

"You understand?" Mother asked. I nodded.

"Good, go to bed, tomorrow we will tell you how to ask her out." Mother said and walked out together with father. I nodded and fell asleep pretty fast.

I woke up and felt very tired and happy. My sleep wasn't the best. I dreamed that father and mother told me the lesson again two times! It was horrible!

I made me ready for school before I walked down, eat breakfast and walked to school.

The sins come after the half way like usual and we started talking.

"Morning Meliodas, you back now?" Merlin asked. I nodded.

"Yeah, it feels good to he back! I have missed school really much!" I said.

"Then why didn't you go?" Gowther asked.

"Do you really want a crying demon in the classroom every lesson in a whole week?" I asked.

"Maybe not." Escanor said and we all laughed.

"It's good that ya are back now, Captain." Ban said.

"Captain?" I asked.

"It's Ban's stupid thing to give people nicknames, sometimes he uses them the whole time, other nearly never." King said, I nodded.

"Yeah and haven't had one for ya until now! I come up with it right now." Ban said.

"That is a really good nickname actually." Diane said.

"Y-yeah, you are right Diane!" King said.

"It suits you." Merlin said.

"And Merlin is always right!" Escanor said.

"I will call you Captain too!" Gowther said.

"Wait, Ban, if you have a nickname for everyone, then what is your nicknames for the others? Like maybe... Elizabeth?" I asked.

"Elizabeth is princess." Ban said. I will keep that in mind.

"Why do you always give other's good nicknames, but not me?!" King complained.

"Wait, what is yours?" I asked.

"Old fart." Diane said and we all started laughing.

When we arrived at school, I greeted Elizabeth and we started talking. Many people greeted me too and said welcome back.

"Hey, Elizabeth!" I said.

"Good morning Meliodas. I didn't think you would come today." Elizabeth said.

"Mind if I do?" I asked.

"No, no, no, I'm glad you're back." Elizabeth said. I smiled.

"I am really glad to be back." I said. I was happy to be back. The lesson was as boring as always though.

At lunch, me and the sins was eating in the classroom like usually.

"So, Elizabeth? You wanted to tell me something yesterday? What was that?" I asked.

"Nothing!" Elizabeth said and blushed.

"Hehe, you should really tell him soon." Escanor said.

"Now I am more curious!" I said.

"Too bad, so sad." Diane said and we all started laughing. They are the best friends I ever had...
and the only ones.

We continued joking and things until the lesson started.

After a while, the school day was over and I walked home. That was the best school day ever. Not did I only meet Elizabeth again, but we joked around and had the most fun ever!

Opening the door to my home, something felt off. Really off. When I walked in, I saw father and mother in the kitchen.

"Meliodas? Could you come here please?" Mother asked. I took off my backpack and my shoes.

"Sure." I said and walked in the kitchen.

"Take a seat." Father said and pointed at the seat in front of them. I did as told and sat down.

"What's up?" I asked.

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