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I'm on my way to the hospital right now to give birth and we have chosen the name carina donna Reid . Carina Donna means pretty woman in Italian .

13 hours later ...
I got wheeled back out of the surgery room with my baby in my hands . Garcia, Rossi, Morgan, Emily, and jj , but most importantly Reid . Reid is practically prying the baby out of my hands . As soon as they got me back in my room Reid came and looked at the baby with me . Reid starts tearing up and telling me that carina is beautiful.

Reid's POV : carina is so beautiful, well I guess it's in her name. I look down at her and see life , my life , my love . Her pretty wide brown eyes look up at me with grace . Her pale skin redden and light pink lips curl into a smile letting out a contagious giggle. She grips my hand and tugs at it . I give her a kiss on the cheek and hand her back to Sydney I still coo at her while Sydney holds her . She's most definitely I daddy's girl.

3 days later ...
Our daughter already said dada as her first words . Now we're trying to get her to say mama .

4 months later...
She took her first steps and she can read 2 kiddy books . I read " the magic tree house " to her . She wants me to hold her while she eats . Isn't I the cutest thing ; she's most definitely I daddy's girl for sure .

6 years later...
It's my daughters first day of school. She already knows chemistry, physics, and linear algebra. She has a reading level of a senior in high school . Carinas IQ is a 139 at the age of 7 and specialist say that it should be 160 by the time she's 18.

Sydney and I have been married for 8 years but we've dated for 10 and tonight is our anniversary. I drop carina off at Garcia's house. Morgan watched her last anniversary; my life is complete , I have the family I've always wanted .

🚨 this is told in Reid's POV . The fast forwards are told in Reid's POV .

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