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TW for Death/Mentions of suicide

So for context since I'm not gonna write all that happened, Deku jumped when Bakugo told him to. He came back as a ghost and has been with Bakugo since then. When Bakugo went to UA, one day he decided he wanted to go to class with him (1st year). So he does and everyone can see him, and they find out he's a ghost. (The reason he hasn't left is because he's tied to Bakugo cuz he hasn't forgiven himself.) So Deku tells bakugo that he'll try to stay to see Bakugo graduate. Well this takes place in their third year at a lake. Bakugo and Deku are at a lake playing around. Oh and Bakugo was dating someone (This is based on a rp I did a while ago so I forgot who, let's just say Kirishima)

     "Oi nerd, come here!" Bakugo called out to Deku. He groaned and walked over. "What do you w-HEY!" Before he could finish, Bakugo pushed Deku into the lake. "Why you little-" Deku pulled Bakugo in and pushed him under. "AGH-DEKU!!" He scowled at him. "What, you did it to me! So I can't do it to you?" Deku questioned. "Well, I didn't want to get wet! I don't have any extra clothes or towels!" He exclaimed. "Well, I don't either!" Deku huffed. "Yea but you're a ghost! Can't you just- I dunno dry off?" Bakugo asked. "That's- not how it works, Kacchan," Deku chuckled as Bakugo rolled his eyes. 


     They played in the lake for a little bit, swimming around and splashing each other, having a good time. When it started getting cold they got out and sat on the bank to dry. 

     "I can't believe we're already third years. It seems just like yesterday I introduced you to the class..." Bakugo sighed and looked out at the lake. Deku nodded, agreeing. "It really does... It's been so fun! I always wanted to go to UA and I wouldn't have been able to if it weren't for you," Deku smiled at him. "Yea but- you're dead! And now you're probably going to go soon and-" Deku cut him off. "Kacchan- these were the best three years of my life. I got to go to the school of my dreams, which I wouldn't have been able to if I were alive. I met so many cool people and got to be friends with them! So thank you... really, thank you." Bakugo sighed.

     "Deku... I-" He takes a shaky breath. "I finally forgive myself. I-I mean I want to, and I kind of do, but- if I forgive myself then you'll leave me and I don't know how to live without you- I've known you my whole life and you've been with me 24/7 for three years and I don't know how I can continue on without you and-" He began to cry, looking out at the lake still. "Oh Kacchan..." Deku rubbed his back. "You'll do amazing, I know you will..." Bakugo shrugged. "I-I just d-don't know h-how... I-I'm going to miss you so m-much..." He hugged Deku tightly and sobbed into his chest.

     For a while Deku just held him, barely hanging on. "Kacchan... it's time," He announced. Bakugo shook his head. "No-No! You can't- not yet! Please- you have to be with me when I graduate! You promised!" He looked up at Deku, tears streaming down his face. Deku was slowly disappearing. "Please Deku please! I can't lose you not yet!" He clung onto Deku who began to cry silently. "Heh... and you called me the crybaby..." He held onto Bakugo.

     "D-Deku... I-I need to tell you something, in case I won't h-have another time..." Bakugo let go of him and wiped his eyes. "What is it Kacchan?" Deku asked, a hint of worry in his voice. "I...I love you! I always have- I just didn't know how to show it! And then- you actually jumped and I-I didn't mean for you to! I-I'm so sorry I-" Deku hugs him tightly. "Oh Kacchan..." Bakugo clung onto him once more. 

     They stayed like that for a few minutes, crying too much to say anything. "I'm going, Kacchan... I know you'll do great," Deku said softly, smiling at him. "No-no please-DEKU!!" He finally disappeared in Bakugo's arms. "DAMMIT NO! YOU SAID YOU'D BE WITH ME TO GRADUATE- YOU PROMISED ME!!! WHY DEKU WHY WOULD YOU MAKE A PROMISE YOU WOULDN'T KEEP!" He screamed, full of sadness and heartbreak. He stayed there for hours, sobbing over someone he'd never see again.

*Ten years later*

     "And finally, the number one hero- Katsuki Bakugo! Hero name, Kacchan!" Bakugo walked up to the stage and grabbed the mic. "Years ago... a friend made a promise to me. He promised he would be with me to see me graduate. Sadly... he couldn't make it. He died the day before my graduation. I still miss him to this day... But I had made a promise to him. A promise I had intended to keep, since he couldn't keep his..." He took a shaky breath, tears starting to blur his vision. He wiped his eyes and smiled to himself. "Here's to Deku, the nerd I knew my whole life. I made it, Deku... I'm the number one hero, just like I promised you..." 

743 words

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2020 ⏰

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