X - Falling Down

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"Audrey...?" I whispered, staring at the purplish greenish skin around her scar. Audrey looked at me with worry in her eyes. She knew I saw the skin. It was scaring me. What was happening? It wasn't normal for someone's skin to be that color. Was she sick? Did someone hit her?

"Razim...Listen..." Audrey began. "It got infected, badly."
"Oh my god..." Ashton whispered.
"It's spreading to my brain." Audrey whispered, clearly shaken. "They say I've got, at best, six weeks left."

Those words hit me hard and fast. Without thinking, I turned away and screamed at the sky.
"NO NO NO PLEASE!" I begged no one.
Audrey was my best friend. I couldn't lose her. Not now, and not like this. Audrey hugged me from behind, and I let her.
"Don't leave me..." I whispered.
"I don't plan on it."

We all went home when school ended. When I got inside my house, I collapsed and started sobbing.
"Wazzie?" I heard Suri's voice from the kitchen. Then tiny footsteps scuttled down the hallway to where I was sitting. "What's wong?" She asked, concerned.
"I'm alright." I lied. "I'm fine."

"Razim?" My mother's voice called down from the laundry room. "Do you want to talk?"
I shook my head.
"Razz?" She called.
"No." I yelled. "I'm good."
"You sure?"

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