02 | end of an era

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"Salaam Bhabi!!" I yelled into the phone

"Waalaikumsalam, my love, how are you?" My sweet Bhabi asked as she tied her hijab

"Wonderful! today is my last day before I finish Law School!"

Today's exam is crucial. Usually, I would be out of my mind, but I think I got this in the bag!

"You'll ace it, inshallah, you've been studying so hard, and know that this is out of the way when I'm here, all have you all to myself."

"5 more days, my love," Bhai said as he grabbed the phone from my hand.

"Hey!" I shrieked, trying to grab the phone.

"Leave the house, go study, let me talk to my wife," He pouted as he walked away and started asking his wife about her day. I huffed in annoyance and realized I was already running late. My exam is at 2, so I decided to grab a coffee with my best friend, Angie. I threw on my coat, kissed my Mama's cheek, and waved to my Baba and walked to my car.

"Read your duas before the exam. Inshallah, you'll do awesome," Baba yelled as I started the engine. I could barely grip the steering wheel, as my hands were so sweaty. 

I arrived at Starbucks and began to study. Trying to shove all this information into my brain. Although I knew it, for some reason I felt the second I got into the exam room, my mind would go blank.

It's happened before but I didn't need it happening today, Oh no if it happened today, I don't know what I'd do. Like always Angie was late, I was beginning to think I would have to leave without seeing her, but I didn't want that. I need Moral support from my bestfriend


Technically i've had only 2 reads as im writing this and I think those 2 reads were me so hello to myself :)))

Okay well I hope one day someone other than me is reading this sooo

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